[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Typical payback for a breech of tribal law involves a spear in the thigh from the person you’ve aggrieved. Now young aboriginals aren’t in the habit of using spears these days so standing 20 yards from someone and waiting for them to chuck a spear into your thigh is only for the very, very brave, as the damned thing is just as likely to go anywhere. Having worked in outback health, i can assure you this happens way, way too often. The oddest incident I saw was some eastern European chap that claimed to be “in the law” and had been speared . . . in the scrotum! It had mangled a ball in the process and they had to remove it. His scrote was infected and as big as a football. He also claimed that because he’d told the police who’d speared him, the tribe would kill him if he went back, so in effect he;d gone through all that for nothing!
Ha ha! That’s so amusing! Isn’t genital mutilation so funnny?! Oh man, I love these hilarious anecdotes about barbaric tribal practices. Keep it coming! Afterwards, let’s talk about those cool instruments the Tibetans designed to disembowel serfs convicted of trying to escape. Good times here!
My home town is the hippy capital of England. The town is full of people with huge admiration for the Tibetans, Australian Aborigines and Native Americans who are “in touch with nature” and “in harmony with Gaia” and other such New Age bullshit. The truth is, they have no idea about how far from their romanticised conception the reality is in these communities - before or after outside contact. I can just imagine some ignorant European going to Australia to commune with his southern brethren, only to painfully discover it’s not all dreamtime and singing around fires.
My home town is the hippy capital of England. The town is full of people with huge admiration for the Tibetans, Australian Aborigines and Native Americans who are “in touch with nature” and “in harmony with Gaia” and other such New Age bullshit. The truth is, they have no idea about how far from their romanticised conception the reality is in these communities - before or after outside contact. I can just imagine some ignorant European going to Australia to commune with his southern brethren, only to painfully discover it’s not all dreamtime and singing around fires.
This made me chuckle. Yes, I am evil. Sorry.[/quote]
Yeah, I’m with ya Taffy. The dalai lama says “Freedom for Tibetans! And btw,
I’m the chosen son of Heaven
Yeah, I’m with ya Taffy. The dalai lama says “Freedom for Tibetans! And btw,
I’m the chosen son of Heaven
And people don’t even blink an eye. :loco:[/quote]
And George thinks he’s on a mission from God, and gets VOTED into office… TWICE.
But this is the morgue thread, so, to ensure this remains on topic: