Death Penalty - Could you demand it?

In the book Executioner’s Song by Mailer. There was an except that went something like 'why do we kill people to show people that killing people is wrong". This affected me quite a lot.

I personally think that anyone who ‘murders’ another person is sick and, therefore, should be treated. But what if they are ‘uncurable’?

[quote=“wix99”]I believe it is morally unacceptable. If people believe it is wrong to kill then why is it acceptable to kill someone as a punishment?
I can’t think of any legal code where it is “wrong to kill.” Can you?

This, as Mr T. has pointed out, would also logically-speaking be an argument against locking someone up. Forgiveness means, surely, that the slate is wiped clean. It is incompatible with any degree of punishment.

To protect other people who might be victimized by those who have demonstrated a propensity for violence. I believe it is morally unacceptable to not protect society from individuals known to be dangerously violent.

So, we should no nothing to them? I mean, placing people in cages is inhumane also, isn’t it?

[quote=“Mark0938”]In the book Executioner’s Song by Mailer. There was an except that went something like 'why do we kill people to show people that killing people is wrong". This affected me quite a lot. [/quote] Why do we fine people for stealing? Is that not the same logic? The difference between stealing and fining is the same as that between execution and murder. How can you be for one and against the other?

i’m with tigerman. killing people is wrong, those who kill intentionally shouldn’t be surprised by fair retribution. morally it’s not wrong. however it is morally wrong to kill people when we are not one hundred percent sure of their deeds. since that is basically impossible–with recent dna testing pointing out just how much–I am against capital punishment.

What would you do if someone punched you in the face?

Would you forgive them and treat them with compassion? And if so, what would you do if that person punched you in the face a second time, and then a third time, and so on? Would you continue to forgive them and treat them with compassion?

IYBF, why do you assume that i’m in favour of fining?

Not speaking for IYBF, but the assumption was entirely logical. You indicated that you were influenced by the lyrics of a song which questioned “why do we kill people to show people that it is wrong to kill people”. In the context of this thread, it is reasonable to assume that you oppose capital punishment as a means to show that killing is wrong.

Thus, by analogy, if you believe that it is wrong to kill people to show people that it is wrong to kill people, then logically, you must also be opposed to fining people for stealing in order to show people that it is wrong to steal.

Or, have I misunderstood your position?

Cool. Got me. An assumption. :wink:

Are you in favour of either of the following:

  1. Fines for stealing
  2. Imprisonment for holding someone against their will

If so, why not capital punishment for murder.

Yes, you have misunderstood.

By the way, Mailer is a writer.

I’m opposed to punishment. This might seem idealogical but it’s just how i feel.

By the way, i agree that if you fine for stealing or imprison for abduction then, yes, death sentence for murder is correct.

My apologies.

Then, may I conclude that you are not in favor of fining as punishment for stealing (or embezzlement)?

And if you are not, then what punishment would you see fit?

I can’t agree with the arguement of ‘miscarraige of justice’ for the non-use of the death sentence. This arguement could be carried through all levels of law. I’d be pissed off if i received a death sentence for a murder i didn’t commit by i’d also be pretty peeved if i got a jail sentence for a robbery i didn’t commit.

So, what if someone murders your child? Just write the whole unfortunate incident off and get on with life?

Would you not want to protect society from the murderer? Or would you just want the murderer set free to harm others again and again?

On what grounds do you base your opposition to punishment?


IYBF & Tigerman, i’ve got to go so please don’t think me impolite if i don’t reply. Will try to respnd tomorrow. Have fun!


What type of education? Do you think that murderers and rapists do not know that their victims do not want to be murdered or raped?

Where? At a university or in a prison, or some other controled/restricted environment?

And would you force the offender to be re-educated?

What if the offender did not want to be re-educated?

[quote=“Mark0938”]IYBF & Tigerman, i’ve got to go so please don’t think me impolite if i don’t reply. Will try to respnd tomorrow. Have fun!



No problem. I look forward to reading your replies when you have time to post.

Peace :slight_smile:

One interesting case which favors those against the death penalty is that of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley – the Moors Murderers. Had they been hanged after being found guilty, all the information they’d had locked away in their brains would have been lost forever.
They were jailed after being found guilty of 2 murders. Brady had an additional murder conviction.
After 21 years of incarceration, Brady admitted to another 2 murders for which the police had no case against him. This solved 2 more child disappearances for the cops and gave a sense of closure to the parents of the victims.
The death penalty in the UK was abolished just 4 weeks before they were arrested!