I heard an interview with New York Representative Charlie Wrangle, D-NY. He was calling for Senate hearings on firing up the draft in the USA. I support that, as long as it also includes a 2- year alternative service for both make & female 18 yr olds. Doing work in National/State Parks and things like that.
Then I came across the article:
[quote]Democrat Plan Summarized in One Word: Draft
by Scott Ott
(2006-11-20) — Rep. Charles Rangel, D-NY, yesterday unveiled the Democrat plan for boosting the minimum wage, providing free healthcare to millions more Americans, increasing college attendance, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preventing future U.S. wars of aggression.
“Our plan is so simple and elegant that it can be stated in one word — draft,” said Rep. Rangel. “By implementing a military draft, we’ll provide a living wage and free healthcare to our new involuntary soldiers and their families, plus we’ll give them college money after their term of service.”
The New York Democrat, who has proposed a draft several times before, said taking many of the 18-to-26 year-olds off the nation’s highways will decrease the number of automobile fatalities and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The most crucial element of the Draft America Plan, he said, is creation of a huge military force comprised of less-motivated troops in case the president must decide whether to go to war with North Korea or Iran, or to expand the global war on terror in other lands.
“Right now, it’s the skill and passion of our all-volunteer force that gives George Bush the arrogance to challenge our enemies on their soil,” Rep. Rangel said. “With a military full of reluctant conscripts, Bush won’t be so cocky. We’ll be safer because, as we all know, when American troops stay home fewer terrorists are created.”
Wow…I am impressed.
OK…I know its scrappleface…but its still strangely correct.