Denver International Airport

Lots of reports of govts building underground bunkers/cities such as the one at DIA. … re=related

The only ‘conspiracies’ about DIA is the amount of walking needed to be done between connections, the shitty food options and the lack of any nearby attractions for longer layovers.

I can’t view youtube at work, but I wouldn’t be surprised about bunkers under DIA. After all, when I was growing up in suburban New York, our neighbors had a bomb shelter in their basement that they’d built during the Cuban Missile Crisis. And . . .

[quote]Cheyenne Mountain is a mountain located just outside the southwest side of Colorado Springs, Colorado, U.S., and is home to the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station[1] and its Cheyenne Mountain Directorate, formerly known as the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center (CMOC). . .

The design of this facility makes it one of the most unusual installations in the world. Apart from the fact that it is housed 2,000 feet (600 m) into the mountain, it is also notable in that it is a joint and binational military organization comprising over 200 men and women from the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Canadian Forces. . . [/quote]

[quote]I was watching a documentary about cryogenics, and they came to a section where they showed a seed bank in Ft. Collins Colorado. My jaw almost dropped when the guy at the seed bank claimed they had 1 billion frozen seeds in a 5 acre underground bunker. . . The name of the place is NCGRP, or National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation.
Not only do they have seeds, they have plants, and even animals![/quote]

And then there’s this. … the_world/

And there’s more!