Deported for teaching: an urban legend?

hi. do you know anyone who was ever deported for teaching english in taiwan? some folks contend that NO ONE with an ARC has ever been deported from taiwan because of working in a kindergarden.

thanks in advance and rest content i’ll light off a sparkler in your honor this day.

I know people who have been deported for teaching without an ARC, but that was years ago. I have not heard of anyone with an ARC being deported for working in a kindergarten. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, however. I betcha Peter Chen, Head of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Taidong Police probably has a few notches on his ruler…

So that’s the guy’s name who tried to catch me while I was in a pub (or rather THE pub since there only seems to be one in Taidong)! Whoda thought I might have been done in by a Peter.

I guess you may be referring to my comments on another board here.

As Maoman says, just because we haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened, and in fact I am sure that it has on one occasion or other over the years.

The point that I was trying to make was that I don’t believe that foreigners caught working in kindergartens are automatically deported - as some would have you believe. It seems to me that the majority of these individuals are at worst fined, and in most cases just warned off.

Having said that, I am sure that those working without an ARC, paying taxes, or working on a visitor or student visa, would most likely be deported - and as they should be.

Anyway, thanks for asking that question here, and lets see what the feedback is.

One of the foreign teachers in Taoyuan was deported about a month ago.He had an ARC,but they caught him doing privates at another school(evening classes)teaching adults.
Dont ask for any names please,you wont get your answers from me.

So he was working for another school? MAYBE the school that provided his ARC got wind of it and reported the guy.