Derail this Topic Challenge!

A bit like Canadians in that respect.

A bit like Justin Trudeau was underrated?

RIght. Autocorrect says they have Flamas

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They need railing.

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Guard rails, to keep them in line. What were you thinking?

And his cousin Alan Minium

(on the nucular side)

[ Frog Head ] [ Empty ] [ Frog Leg ]
[ Frog Body ] [ Frog Tail ] [ Frog Paw ]
[ Frog Belly ] [ Frog Skin ] [ Frog Eye ]

Two frogs were crossing the road… one got ran over by a truck, the other frog said: come on mustard let’s go

Your birthday would shift to another day unless you are born early January.

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Unless you’re born in the 1700s, it’s safe to say your birthday is accurate.

Not sure what you are trying to say. The years do not change, just the months and days going from 12 to 13 months per year.

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And the extra days which are not actual named days😵‍💫

It was the 13th hour, of the 13th day, on the 13th month…

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