Different fonts?

Only 70% of Sourfoam users are on Windows machines? That PROVES they are a lot more discerning than your average hamster. Most real life polls have about 90% Windoze users. Cool!

dead easy to find a better system. Me, I chose Mac yers ago (like 1984), and am now looking to put some version of Linux on my Mac Intel box. any tips?

and back on tpoic: OP, you just have to make the changes in your Internet exploder preferences, you can your own computer choose the fonts to use, even bettter, have you heard of style sheets and how to implement them locally? you can make a sheet that overrides the site’s settings and have your own style on your computer.

BTW, i am NOT AT ALL interested in seeing your wacky choice of fonts. this neutral font is great, any fancy fonts tend to look like crap after a day of viewing them, and if everybody posts in another font and size and style, the site will look like an absolute sewage farm. plus, it will significantly slow the place down, and it’s getting bad enough as it is.[/list]