Major university campuses usually have a few of these surrounding their campuses. I managed to find one such place around Taida (太大), but I expected that there would be more places in light of the size of the campus, itself.
I haven’t visited the other universities, but I’m going to Fujen (輔仁) tomorrow, and would like to check out other college bookstores while I’m there.
Are there any in Taipei or around the surrounding campuses in north Taiwan?
There’s the NCCU bookstore at… NCCU. And there’s actually a NCCU bookstore close to Tai-Da, maybe the one that you visited, since it’s actually a chain.
Do you have any idea how much that immense (but apparently unchecked) copyright violation will cost me per 100 pages or so? My girlfriend was a librarian here, so this may actually become an enterprise unto itself.