Discriminatory policies

6 posts were split to a new topic: From policies

I thought the discount was to promote locals choosing spots in their neighborhood. If itā€™s public, Iā€™d approach the city government to understand. It may be just one parking lotā€™s management problem.

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If it is a public parking, itā€™s a local governmentā€™s regulation. The regulation excludes residents without HHR in the area.

Interesting. Many people have their household registration in another city for voting purposes.

The former is a tax on real estate, the latter is a tax on the land it sits on (which you own a portion of if you own an apartment). As an apartment owner, Iā€™ve been paying both taxes for years.


I know the difference between a building and a piece of land. I mean, I donā€™t know which taxes go towards which public services and such, e.g., how they might figure in to a public parking lot subsidy.

I think they are just ignorant, and may not have much logical reasoning.

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If you are paying rent, part of that is covering your landlordā€™s property taxes, because your landlord is still paying property taxes. Itā€™s not like renting out a unit means no property taxes (otherwise rent would be like NT100/month for a mansion on Yangming Shan).

It sounds like a discriminatory policy, I would make a fuss.


To provide clarification to the points made above/questions: I rent the apartment, not own, but yes the landlord using my rent to pay the taxes (this was actually specifically discussed when signing the lease); the parking attendant who talked to my Taiwanese friend said only Taiwanese ID card are accepted and suggested I find a Taiwanese friend in the neighborhood to just do the paperwork for me - no mention of needing to be a homeowner or not, just have local address on ID and have Taiwanese ID (I do not have such a friend) - this statement is partly what led me to think that this has nothing to do with subsidizing homeowners that pay taxes directly, and therefore is just bureaucratic discrimination (how minor or major you can judge for yourself). I will see about contacting the local government and NIA. If anyone has any other suggestions Iā€™d appreciate them. Thanks


Ask @Marco to give them a legal hiding.


Exactly what I was assuming. A blanket ā€œTaiwanese ID onlyā€ is so much simpler; itā€™s too éŗ»ē…© to take into account other residents. Weā€™ve seen it so many times before.

Fortunately, as another poster pointed out in a different thread, authorities do seem to try to rectify these matters quickly when enough people complain (e.g. the recent You Bike matter). Good luck with this case!


Thank you! If I have any success I will let the thread know.

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