Dissidents declare China's Hunan independent? Taiwan news reporting

Anyone heard anything about this?

No idea. I know itā€™s far fetched, but could maybe @keoni know anything about this?

Probably based on blog posts by expats. Highly unlikely that anything like that would come out of Hunan directly.

Steady as she goes down the fake news pathā€¦

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Isnā€™t this the Pulitzer level journalism typical of taiwannews? /sarc

Honestly, my morbid curiosity for reading the latest FB-based gossip barely tips the scales against my reluctance to give that rag any more clicks. And Iā€™m not even a ā€œforeign wolf teacher.ā€


So are you saying youā€™re not a teacher? :sunglasses:


Will the renegade Hunan province reunify with Taiwan?

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Pulitzer level journalism lmao :rofl:

Itā€™s a good thing they stopped their print edition, it would have been a waste as I wouldnā€™t even use their paper as toilet paper during a toilet paper shortage.


(T) Some of my students might argue that I lack pedagogical prowess.
(W) In regards to any alleged lupine tendencies, my attorney has advised me of my lack of fifth ammendment rights, due to living in TW and not being a US citizen. So, Iā€™ll just evade.
(F) I may, or may not, be ā€œforeign.ā€ Depends where I happen to be at the time :smirk:


They had a print version at one point?? Seriously? Hell, I wouldnā€™t even have burned their physical rags in order to either 1) cathartically piss on them or 2) reject pissing on them (teeth/gums on fire style).

I posted something in the main corona thread thatā€™s related to this:

Iā€™m pretty sure @IbisWtf shared a tweet (?) from China to this effect. But I wonā€™t open the article to confirm itā€™s the same.

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The ā€˜Hunan provisional governmentā€™ might just be a Taiwanese kid of Hunanese extraction typing from London. (guessing that based on the choice of flags and languages on the website.) You could email them and ask :laughing:

There also is a ā€œWuhan provisional governmentā€ in there

Sorry. That thread is so longā€¦ Itā€™s hard to keep up with :laughing:

No no all good. That video was worth some extra attention tbh, and I feel itā€™s two separate issues anyway.

eh? Why would I know anything about this? :thinking:

Methinks you were confused with @kman

Sorry @keoni , indeed mixed you upā€¦ thought you were the author of that gem, while it seems @kman is the actual culprit. Sorry!