Not sure if this question has been answered before, but here goes. I misplaced my paper diploma and my university tells me it will take them like 6 weeks to issue me a new one. I want to go to Taiwan before then. They told me they would write me a letter, stamped with the university seal, verifying that I had completed all graduation requirements. This is enough for US employers, but is it enough to get an ARC?
I would think this would be relatively moot as any employer who does their due diligence will call the university to verify, but apparently Taiwan doesn’t work this way.
I went to a large public university in the Midwest, if this helps.
And yes, I saw the thread about fake degrees. How ironic that someone with a fake degree in Engrish might have a better shot at an ARC at this present moment than me?
[quote=“jaykay1620”]Not sure if this question has been answered before, but here goes. I misplaced my paper diploma and my university tells me it will take them like 6 weeks to issue me a new one. I want to go to Taiwan before then. They told me they would write me a letter, stamped with the university seal, verifying that I had completed all graduation requirements. This is enough for US employers, but is it enough to get an ARC?
I would think this would be relatively moot as any employer who does their due diligence will call the university to verify, but apparently Taiwan doesn’t work this way.
I went to a large public university in the Midwest, if this helps.
And yes, I saw the thread about fake degrees. How ironic that someone with a fake degree in Engrish might have a better shot at an ARC at this present moment than me?[/quote]
My first over seas ESL job was in S. Korea. I needed to provide my diploma before I had it in hand, but after I’d finished my degree. The letter worked for the S. Koreans. I don’t think it’s likely to work for the Taiwanese. Anyway, there will be extrordinary lag. You’ll be in Taiwan by then, but will you know where to have your school to mail the diploma? Do you want to trust your school to receive it for you?
Taiwanes just have too much trouble thinking around things. You may get it done, though. That’s the beauty of Taiwan. The impossible is done every day. The everyday is often impossible.