[quote]GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Bill Barnes says he was scratching off a losing $2 lottery ticket inside a gas station when he felt a hand slip into his front-left pants pocket, where he had $300 in cash.
He immediately grabbed the person’s wrist with his left hand and started throwing punches with his right, landing six or seven blows before a store manager intervened.[/quote]
Grand-daddy WHACK!
But How?
BUt WHY?[quote]
Barnes said he’d probably do the same thing again under the same circumstances, if for no other reason than what he would face back home.
“I wouldn’t want my wife to give me hell for lettin’ that guy get my money,” he said with a smile.[/quote]
Have you seen the latest about the 71 yr old retired Marine?
Setting in a Subway that was being robbed, 2 perps decided to take him to the bathroom and rob him…a career ending move on their part.
Retired marine is licensed CCW, he does a Mozambique drill on them both…1 dead…one approaching room temp in the hospital.
Subway says his 6" veggie sandwiches are now forever on the house.
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]JDS -
Have you seen the latest about the 71 yr old retired Marine?
Setting in a Subway that was being robbed, 2 perps decided to take him to the bathroom and rob him…a career ending move on their part.
Retired marine is licensed CCW, he does a Mozambique drill on them both…1 dead…one approaching room temp in the hospital.
Subway says his 6" veggie sandwiches are now forever on the house.
Don’t ya just love a Happy Ending![/quote]
Wow. u learn something every day - Wikipedia:
Contrary to popular belief, the immediate aim of defensive shooting is to incapacitate a target so as to render that person unable to attack. Unlike what is commonly seen on television and in movies, gunshot wounds rarely kill instantly. The incapacitation caused by gunshots is the result of neurocirculatory shock. The trauma resulting from impact and wound channel after two shots to a target’s center of mass will produce a reflexive nervous system collapse in about 96% of cases. In the other 4%, either an adrenaline rush or the effect of stimulant drugs will override this reflex, and further shots will not produce this instantly-incapacitating shock.[citation needed] Because of this, the third shot should be aimed to destroy the brain, ensuring that the target’s nervous system will shut down and leave the target unable to attack. This third shot is most effective when placed between a target’s eyes as a higher shot is more likely to deflect off of hard bone and a lower shot is unlikely to produce the nervous system damage required to instantly stop an attacker.[/quote]
It doesn’t say that the timing problem is, so I found this:
[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Jackie B -
When you live in a sheltered world, Google can be your friend.
Also known as “2 to the body and 1 to the head, makes d*mn sure they’re down and dead”
Now go and have a special day![/quote]
Thanks for the questionable comment, but I find it interesting that it’s always my American friends, whether in this forum or my motorcycling group, that enlightens me on the use of firearms.
* -
You should start a thread about this comment. I believe there are those on Forumosa.com who doubt the Chinese authenticity of this expression.[/quote]
I doubt the authenticity. There is no Chinese equivalent as far as I know. And irony of this sort doesn’t fit. It’s probably similar to how that French saying about revenge and cold dishes is now a “Klingon” saying to lend it an air of mystique.
That said, I would welcome any scholarship on this indicating otherwise.
[quote=“Jack Burton”]I doubt the authenticity. There is no Chinese equivalent as far as I know. And irony of this sort doesn’t fit. It’s probably similar to how that French saying about revenge and cold dishes is now a “Klingon” saying to lend it an air of mystique.
That said, I would welcome any scholarship on this indicating otherwise.[/quote]
[quote=“Dragonbones”][quote=“Jack Burton”]I doubt the authenticity. There is no Chinese equivalent as far as I know. And irony of this sort doesn’t fit. It’s probably similar to how that French saying about revenge and cold dishes is now a “Klingon” saying to lend it an air of mystique.
That said, I would welcome any scholarship on this indicating otherwise.[/quote]