Do you ever have those moments when you think, what if I had stayed in my home country?

[quote=“GuyInTaiwan”][quote=“divea”]What if I had a super model girlfriend?
We’d be holidaying in exotic places like Taiwan.[/quote]

Indeed! My superhot, fashionista lady friend would grace not only the catwalks, but also the sidewalks, of such internationally renowned centres of style as Paris, New York, London, Milan and…Taipei. :ponder: :doh:[/quote]
It’s a what if game. Besides, you’d come here for a holiday not work :roflmao:

Always avoiding this thought. Would have experienced unemployment most likely in 2004 in the middle of the IT crisis after the DotCom business I worked for broke down. Or would have stayed in the company after the restart even though the new boss said BobHonest should pack his bags (because I was one of the staff guys negotiating with -other- investors during the breakdown and stuff like that), probably the new boss then wouldn’t have come.
After unemployment might have picked up a substandard job and would probably be doing IT services in a friggin supermarket like some of my colleagues those days. From cutting edge dot-com bubble project manager to supermarket IT guy. Probably would go home after work to an empty apartment and would drink DELICIOUSLY CHEAP ALCOHOL of first rate quality.

Damned! :laughing:

And the cheap chocolate everywhere! Gum candy!

Probably and quite likely wouldn’t have a son now had I stayed the boring old Nerdy me…

Yes, but I get over them pretty quickly when I realize that then I would not have THE MOST AWESOME SON in the world.
Not bragging, hope all Dad’s feel the same way. Sometime life throws us curveballs, and sometimes we still knock 'em out of the park.

I think of all the other places I could have ended up. Australia, Germany, the US, yeah the worlds a big place, it’s a shame to spend too long in one place but it seems hard to leave the rock and the rest of the world is not exactly beckoning with open arms these days. Actually we will move on one day but maintain connection to here and maybe come back again of course.

There’s no never going back. I’ve had to realize that. This island will always be a part of me. That makes it really hard to imagine that it never was, or what would have been.

I also have the most awsome boy in the world, whom I couldn’t have gotten any other place. I don’t even want to imagine that my life could have gone on without him comming along.

And i feel like my old life kinda ended when i left the wan cuz my new one kinda sucks? :slight_smile: But uhm ah, no worries I shall persevere (even if i have to make others miserable, no no just kidding).

Then what are doing over there that’s so important, Tommy? Living in the US would drive anyone crazy. If you feel happier in Taiwan, then surely the solution is obvious :wink:

He’s being highly altruistic. If Tommy returned to Taiwan permanently, there’d be no women left for the waiguoren.

I’d be dead, most likely. No question.

Nope. I really disliked living in America. In my experience, it’s only enjoyable if you have a great deal of money, run a profitable business that you love, or you have a very wide and deep circle of family and friends. My family was always a bit distant, and though I had bros and great girlfriends (because I’m Tomas, as you know), I never really loved living in the USA like I do in Taiwan. Here, I am in the career I love and have a great circle of support. I’ve never looked back.

Yes, especially when I achieve something here that I know I had a fat chance in hell of accomplishing back home. Then I kiss the ground.

Shiver, shiver.

Zero regret.
Like saddletrump says, I wouldn’t have had 2 awesome sons.
I’d also probably be still slaving somewhere in the tech world of the Bay Area (no, I don’t think I would have had a chance to cash out after getting in on the ground-floor of some Yahoo, e-Bay, Google, etc. as a startup). Also, would not have been able to have the 2 awesome careers that I have had under my belt in Taiwan.
Taiwan opened up a whole new world to me that I would have never thought even existed if I had stayed in the tech world post-college graduation.



I’d probably be dead or in jail if I had never come to Taiwan, so I’m glad I did. I’m also glad I can visit the home countries when I want. (post Covid)

oh do tell… don’t just tease the audience, or is it minor stuff like stealing candy from a baby?

Not going to happen. :four_leaf_clover:

No worries. It’s not the first time a foreigner came to Taiwan to escape from the past, whether illegal stuff or just plain 'ole wanting to start anew or looking for adventure from a boring home country life.

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California is like a different PLANET from

Dude, California is like a different planet from anywhere.

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Wow…that’s a two shovel grave dig.