Do you have the world's most sexy accent

Interesting thing about Irish accents, as there also regional ones like in Cork which was hard me for to understand sometimes at first.

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I used to sound more like this, but then I went to California. It still sounds very good to me. Just enough Texan without going full W Bush.

I love listening to the Finnish, don’t understand anything, though.

I also enjoy Turkish and Iranian voices, not necessarily sexy, but cute.

Yeah vocal fry is terrible.

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All of these posts are highly eurocentric.

I don’t believe any one nationality is more sexy than another.

I may like this video, then

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Our accents across Ireland are very diverse because it’s a very old country and people didn’t travel around a whole lot in the old days.


Very true. Add to mix that like in Taiwan there is another local language that affects accents just like Taiwanese native speakers have different accent (most not all).


Alexander Downer accent or Bogan?

Who’s talking about nationalities?



I only heard about how Irish or french is the sexiest accent. That sounds pretty eurocentric.


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Nowadays, they just call that educated…

When I speak English I often get hit with “哇你沒有那個印度人口音” (Woah, you don’t have that Indian English accent). People expect me to sound like Russell Peters from that video…

In the past I had trouble finding a language exchange partner for the same reason… No one wants to practice English with an Indian :frowning: . After I changed my nationality to U.S (I have an American-ish accent due to years spent in the States) on a popular language exchange app, I found significantly more partners…


I absolutely can’t stand singlish
What I like is the California girl accent

There’s a girl who does most of the commercials on pandora and she has a voice I could listen to all day

So my vote is the California girl accent

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Interesting how people respond to accents in different contexts. Quite a few layers of meaning in there.

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Or how people get offered more money or respect just because of their passport.