Do you teach English through the internet?

Well,I am curious if you would like teach English through internet.
I need private courses but I can’t spare my daily time .
Since yahoo,msn and skype offer the voice communication tool,
I think I can probably use the function.
But I am not sure if I can get the same effect .(compared to the face-to-face)
can you give me some suggestion?

Skype offers face-to face via web cameras. If you can’t spare your time it may be difficult to get regular teaching.

[quote=“douseeme”]Well,I am curious if you would like teach English through internet.
I need private courses but I can’t spare my daily time .
Since yahoo,msn and skype offer the voice communication tool,
I think I can probably use the function.
But I am not sure if I can get the same effect .(compared to the face-to-face)
can you give me some suggestion?
My friend has set up a skype-like platform for doing just this here in China. Check out - you can language exchange for free (lots of native Mandarin speakers) but they are trying to design a method where if one can set up paying classes online (to teach English, Mandarin or any other language) to the other participants in the system.

Since is a project of, on Day 1 they already had 10,000 native Mandarin speakers signed on. The service only started about 3 months ago.

talkdatalk, italki and most of their audience are based in China

I use skypevideo with my parents. It’s fun to be able to see eachother for free, basically, from opposite sides of the world, but it’s still not all that clear, smooth, easy, non-jerky, etc. It doesn’t compare to face-to-face.

I believe real, live, face-to-face instruction is the only way to go if you’re serious about learning a language. Self-study books, tapes, mp3s, or internet stuff might be nice supplements, but they’re far inferior to the real thing: a teacher sitting there in front of you.

I also believe that if you feel you have time to study a little online, then you definitely have time for real, in-person instruction. For 6 years I didn’t take lessons, because I figured I was way too busy with my full-time employment, family, and attempts to exercise. But I finally quit making excuses a few months ago and hired a tutor to come to my office once a week for 2 hours. It’s truly a pain in the ass. Actually, the class time’s not so bad for me: I have committed myself to attending the class from 5:30-7:30 that one day, so I just do it, regardless of job committments (I will deal with them tomorrow). The hard part for me is the homework. I feel compelled to study for at least 1 or 1.5 hours each day on the weekend and preferably a couple of days during the week. That’s where it’s hard to get motivated to do what needs to be done. But, if you believe you can do it online, and put in the required time on homework, then I’m certain you can make (not find) the time to do it properly, with personal, face-to-face instruction.

Good luck.

So MT… how’s your English coming along?

Very nice but I still have trouble with the idiots. … oops idioms. :blush:

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
I find some learning English school through ths same way.
but it needs a bunch of money. :unamused:

[quote=“douseeme”]Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
I find some learning English school through ths same way.
but it needs a bunch of money. :unamused:[/quote]
So you want very cheap or free English lessons without actually having to spend time doing it? Is that right?

[quote=“sandman”][quote=“douseeme”]Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
I find some learning English school through ths same way.
but it needs a bunch of money. :unamused:[/quote]
So you want very cheap or free English lessons without actually having to spend time doing it? Is that right?[/quote]

Of course NOT.
Don’t get me wrong here. :noway:

Has anybody ever taught you about the grammar rules we work to?

I would assume they have, as they’re taught in High School, so you know them. But you’re not applying them. So what’s the point in taking more lessons?

Why not spend time every day reading and writing in English, and review what you write with a good grammar book and dictionary in your hand? Summarize news reports or something.

It seems to me that a great many students in Taiwan want to be taught, by someone else, instead of doing the necessary work themselves.

[quote=“douseeme”]Well,I am curious if you would like teach English through internet.
I need private courses but I can’t spare my daily time .
Since yahoo,msn and skype offer the voice communication tool,
I think I can probably use the function.
But I am not sure if I can get the same effect .(compared to the face-to-face)
can you give me some suggestion?
Thanks.[/quote]Douseeme, this kind of interaction over the internet can build your language ability, but for various reasons it’s difficult. I think you have to be very organised about it. It’s better when you’re using the interaction to carry out specific communication tasks, not just general “chatting”.

I think you might be better off having traditional, “face-to-face” language classes. You might spend a bit more time and money, but it would probably give better results, thus saving you time and money in the long term.

Don’t let me discourage you, though. If you do decide that these computer language classes are what you really want, you could try posting an advert here:
(And of course you could look for a regular language class/tutor there too).

Thanks a lot.