Well…what else is he gonna say?
That the US is the reason why there is a China in the first place?
Well…what else is he gonna say?
That the US is the reason why there is a China in the first place?
What does it mean???
Trying to paint the US as a troublemaker while trying to avoid tarrifs and trade sanctions seems an easy explanation
It also plays well at home as a reason why China continues to allow Taiwan to have an independent democracy. An optimist might also think that the domestic audience needs to be primed now for the strong possibility that China will not be able to take Taiwan before 2049; very Orewellian, “we have never wanted to take Taiwan, America had always wanted us to invade Taiwan”.
A pessimist would worry. Can’t trust anything that is said, so if Xi is now saying he doesn’t want to invade Taiwan, now is a time to prepare for exactly that
Or he could say that US is the reason why they don’t have Japanese as the official language in Beijing
And that it’s even called Beijing.
Pékin just rolls off the tongue more easily.