Doctors find larvae in woman's brain

This might explain a lot…

Doctors find larvae in woman’s brain

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Chiu, who performed the surgery, speculated that the woman might have picked up the parasite while drinking untreated mountain spring water or raw pork.


Drinking raw pork is always hard unless you use a blender.

yeah…and raw frogs?..thats some bad sashimi!

So is eating 肉乾 (rou gan) safe?

this is disturbing.

I’ve been looking for those… :grandpa:

thats very very disturbing
speaking of which…did anyone saw that “raw meat + coke” = worms crawling out !!! urban legend ?

This is damn disturbing.

Not to mention it must hurt so much, the pounding headaches. Something living in your brain that’s crazy. Id choose stomach any day for a parasite to make a home.