Does a local drivers license allow you to drive a 50cc scooter? What about scooter-sharing apps?

I recently got my local drivers license. It says it’s a class A license and permits me to drive “ 普通小型車”. I’ve read that this license also permits you to drive a 50cc (light) scooter, but I’ve also read that that has changed within the last few years. This Wikipedia article on the different types of Taiwanese licensee seems to show that driving a light scooter would be permitted by a holder of a 普通小型車 license, but the article has no sources.

I can’t find any other information on this in English. Can anyone point me to the actual regulation that states whether or not this is legal?

Sidenote: I registered successfully for both the GoShare and WeMo apps with this license without issue. I can rent scooters on there no problem, but am I legally permitted to drive them? All models or only certain ones?

Certainly used to be the case. Also interested to know if this has changed. Electric was fine befor too, but now they go fast so i assume the no need for a license must have changed by now.

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In Chinese

Article 61 of


只要駕駛人持有小型車駕照,就可以持此駕照騎乘 50cc 以下之機車
