…the name of the crappy seafood restaurant chain that opened up on the Ren-Ai circle (Ren-Ai / Dun-Hwa) in Taipei after the Wendy’s fast-food chain packed up and left Taiwan? (that was a sad day…)
It was only there for a year or so, and simply awful. One of those ‘deep-fried fast-food but trying not to be’ seafood restaurants.
I know there’s a new thread about Long John Silver’s opening up, but back then, I don’t think this was that.
Anyone recall? Was it Australian, or Kiwi? I was thinking Fish Hunter, but that just doesn’t sound right, and Google produced nothing to help me in that way.
Yeah, there was one in Donghu too. I heard it was pretty mediocre and not cheap, so I never even bothered to try it. Seafood is so easy to make in scores of right ways – why would you even bother doing it wrong? :loco: Ah, grilled salmon! Shrimp kebabs! Paella!
As a kid, I liked Long John Silvers. I’m sure I’d find it way too greasy nowadays, but I do wonder how the two would compare side by side.
Right - Fish Hunter went into a lot of locations that had previously been Wendy’s. I remember there was a Fish Hunter at the Ren’ai-Dunhua traffic circle.