Does 'Winning' Make you Soft?

Remember when the right was hard?

Good days they was.

I long for the Obama days when men were men. All the poofs were in power, the hard men were out taking shots at all the snowflakes, all the SJWs, all those that couldn’t take a joke.

Now, our men on the right are like Charmin, they are like three ply Kleenex with moisturizer. So sensitive, so soft, so unwilling to look inward.

They are the majority now, so I better brush up on my Jordan Petersonisms (shut up you post-modern neo-Marxist), better subscribe to Crowder and Good Boy Gavin, better watch youtubes of Tuck and Hannity.

Gotta work on my intellectual goosestep.

Gotta get my sensitivity game on, to be on my MAGA shit with them Proud Boys.

We need some Caitlyn Jenner level trannies to slap some new pronouns on these Proud Boys (oh wait, she’s right too). Dayum!!! I feel like a super minority now.

You’re gonna get tired of all the winning.

Winning doesn’t make anyone as soft as does having someone else do the winning on your behalf. That’s truly enfeebling. It fosters dependency.

The Donald can show everybody how it’s done, but then everybody has to do it. It’s the difference between a savior and a teacher. And saviors are overrated.

Let’s see what the former #NeverTrumpers morph into. If enough get voted out in November, let’s see what inference they draw from that.

Correct inference: he who relies on the coattails of his better does not deserve to grasp those coattails.

Remember: The Donald owes the Republican establishment jack shit, and he knows it.

Donald USED TO owe the GOP establishment jack shit.

Now, he is the GOP establishment. Everyone who matters is kissing the ring. They will all fall hard when he falters, and I hope that Bloomberg and Romney can create a safety valve party in the meantime to keep (real) right wing ideals afloat while this fairy tale, conspiracy driven cartel drives the right into the ground.

Things look great from Trump Tower right now, but the economy is about to free fall (Q1 or Q2 next year). Fundamentals are weak. Debt is at an all time high (where have all the teabaggers gone? They are watching Fox and reading Breitbart, being convinced its gonna be ok, Hillary was the problem).

Just own it when it crumbles.

You own it now, once it falls, blame the ideals, blame the culprits.

Did we just pick up another Rowland?

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I think he’s kinda like the anti-rowland. The same but different. If they spend too much time in the same thread they will annihilate each other in a flash of gamma rays and pure grumpiness.


Does this mean that they will cancel each other out if they ever meet? That would be interesting.


Or make out furiously.



It’s the irresistible force paradox. Is it possible for them both to exist?

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I just want to know who WonkyWaiguo is.

Is he a reincarnated former poster or is he the Messiah come to lead us to the promised land?

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I don’t know but he seems to really like the Proud Boys.

Sound advice. You mean like yourself, accepting and “owning” the result of the 2016 Election? :rofl: Waiting for you to blame the “ideals and culprits” for the loss…:popcorn:

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This is what makes me soft.


People like is why I switch my side and will vote trump this time around. This is basically why the left and the dems lose so much. They get all emotional instead of using logic and reasoning. Because facts hurt their feelings.

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When’s their next album coming out?

A day late and a dollar short. In another month we’ll see if the voters buy it.

Trump needs nothing from the establishment. The establishment brings nothing to the table but a whole lot of connections that just aren’t worth what they used to be.

Nearly two years ago, I agreed tacitly to a principle: after one year, the current president can no longer credibly blame his predecessor. We’re well past that mark now, and things are going nicely.

But the debt - both public and private -is problematic.

When you own something and it falls apart, you put it back together. If you’re smart, you use the opportunity to redesign it and make it better. The 2008 crisis should have been a teachable moment, but those is charge did not see fit to learn from it, and those who replaced them didn’t actually care. Maybe second time around the lesson will sink in with the voters.

Trump is really good at owning issues. When a problem comes along, he rides it like a bucking bronco. If it crumbles, and Trump owns it as he’s owned so many other things, the country will emerge stronger. I’m all for that. How about you?

If winning makes you soft, then a good crisis is what’s needed to toughen us up again.

i do follow these types of news but i’m pretty disconnected from it all. i’m in asia.

I thought this was going to be related to those pesky participation awards that reward young kids for the effort they made in losing.