Dog Meat in Taiwan

I don’t think I’d be keen on dog, but hey, I guess you don’t know until you’ve tried it…
I quite like horse, smoked in thin slices on polar bread, really good, I’m not shitting you, it’s quite common in Sweden and most supermarkets have it.
I guess the important part is that my dad had horses and I got quite attached to a couple of them, but it didn’t stop me from eating horse meat, even after we sent one to the butcher after it hurt itself badly.
I was pleasantly surprised by frog here, although I was told it was “wild chicken”… sure…
But as far as I can tell, there’s no real good reason why you can’t eat dog, unless they can contract some kind of disease that is leathal to humans if you digest the meat.
There was this Norwegian polar expedition that got wiped out because they ate infected polar bear meat…
Besides, if you’re hungry enough, I’m pretty sure you’d eat whatever comes your way…

[quote=“Lord Lucan”]I’d be fascinated to hear a logical and rational argument for banning dog meat. Anyone who would like to put one forward can start: “It’s okay to continue eating sheep, cattle, chicken, snakes, rabbits, frogs, and pigs etc., but we should stop eating dogs because…”

I never started eating dogs, so I don’t have to stop. The other things…yum!

)$@#(* I’m hungry now.


Yeah, it is banned in Taiwan. But, like other things, it continues despite the law. The average Taiwanese, especially younger people, don’t like the idea of eating dog meat.

Taiwanese friends have told me that some places selling lamb also sell dog meat but you have to already know or ask them about it.

My best friend told me about how, many years ago, he lived next to a dog meat butcher. He had to move because of the awful cries of dogs being beaten with baseball bats. It is said that the butchers worked the dogs over with baseball bats to tenderize the meat. Why they did it while the dogs were still alive I don’t know. But that is a good reason to ban dog meat.

Yeah, it is banned in Taiwan. But, like other things, it continues despite the law. The average Taiwanese, especially younger people, don’t like the idea of eating dog meat.

Taiwanese friends have told me that some places selling lamb also sell dog meat but you have to already know or ask them about it.

My best friend told me about how, many years ago, he lived next to a dog meat butcher. He had to move because of the awful cries of dogs being beaten with baseball bats. It is said that the butchers worked the dogs over with baseball bats to tenderize the meat. Why they did it while the dogs were still alive I don’t know. But that is a good reason to ban dog meat.[/quote]
They do that in Korea too. It’s because they think pain and fear make the meat taste better.

Yeah, it is banned in Taiwan. But, like other things, it continues despite the law. The average Taiwanese, especially younger people, don’t like the idea of eating dog meat.

Taiwanese friends have told me that some places selling lamb also sell dog meat but you have to already know or ask them about it.

My best friend told me about how, many years ago, he lived next to a dog meat butcher. He had to move because of the awful cries of dogs being beaten with baseball bats. It is said that the butchers worked the dogs over with baseball bats to tenderize the meat. Why they did it while the dogs were still alive I don’t know. But that is a good reason to ban dog meat.[/quote]
They do that in Korea too. It’s because they think pain and fear make the meat taste better.[/quote]

Wow. That is some sick minded shit