Dog Stabbing in Kaohsiung

I saw this posted on the Yahoo Group, Tainan Bulletin. I thought it may be of interest here.

Recently, there was a dog stabbing case in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. AHAN
( is trying to help raise fund as reward money to help
bring justice. Below is the information:

On Oct. 26th 2006, Kaohsiung Concern for Stray Animals Association
(Taiwan) received an urgent call from a caller who was weeping and
extremely upset. The caller reported that a neighborhood dog was
lying in a pool of blood, his face was cut open and there were
several deep stab wounds on his face. A metal rod with a sharp tip
was stuck into the dog¡¦s back.

According to people in the neighborhood, Brownie has been there for
2 years (in Taiwan, street dogs are very common); he is a harmless
and friendly little guy, weighing about 30lbs. People in the
neighborhood have grown to know and like the little guy, and some
people in the community have been feeding him. That morning as the
caller prepared to open her shop:¡§ I was shocked at what I saw¡K
Brownie raised his head with blood all over his face, looking at me
with the last bit of strength, as if begging for help¡¨.

The vet concluded that 5 stabbing wounds were inflicted to Brownie¡¦
s face. Two large cuts of 6 inch & 4 inch were deep into the bone.
One of the cuts slashed across his right eye, which will probably
cause permanent blindness. Some of his gums and teeth were cut away.
It was speculated that Brownie managed to grab onto the knife with
his mouth during the attack to stop further stabbing. As for the
metal rod, the attacker had sharpened the tip and bent it to form a
hook before jamming into Brownie¡¦s spine. A surgery had to be
performed to remove the weapon. Amazingly, Brownie survived the
brutal attack, but was understandingly shaken up and scared. It will
require long and ongoing care to ensure that Brownie can eat without
too much pain, and function as normally as possible.

The surveillance camera on the street showed that on Oct. 26th,
5:55am, Brownie wandered the streets as usual. At 5:58am a newspaper
delivery man on a scooter was seen hidden behind a pole, then at
6:00am Brownie ran out from behind the same pole with the metal rod
stuck in his back. For the next 13 seconds, Brownie¡¦s life was
changed forever. The surveillance camera clearly recorded the
newspaperman chasing Brownie on his scooter from 6:00:13 to 6:00:26.
The actual attack itself however, was off the camera.

Though strong evidence suggests that the newspaper deliver man may
have attacked Brownie, but without a witness, the police interviewed
the suspect (who denied the attack), and have done nothing to
investigate the case further. Animal cruelty cases are common and
almost never prosecuted in Taiwan, despite its Animal Protection
Law. Kaohsiung Concern for Stray Animals Association rescues and
houses a large number of pets that are either severely neglected or
attacked, only a handful of the perpetrators have ever been
convicted, usually in the form of fines, ranging from US$0 to US$200

What happened to Brownie greatly impacted the community and the
people who cared for him in the neighborhood. AHAN is working with
KCSAA to raise funds to encourage any witness(s) in this case to come
forward. Brownie doesn¡¦t deserve any of this, and neither do
hundred of innocent pets who are in similar situations. It the
animal abusers continue to get away with murder, then there is
simply no hope for the animals in Taiwan, and the people who care
for them.

Please help by sending this onto other dog-friendly sites/lists. As
we are trying to get the words out to help convict the atatcker and
raise funds.

if anyone is interested in donating money towards this case, email
Julia Lai (twistedlayers@ …) or contact Miss.Wong at Kaohsiung
Concern for Stray Animals Association at 07-313-0372 for more info.

In the “FILES” area of this group is a document called “Brownie.” It
contains some photos of Brownie and the taping of the perpetrator.
Please be advised that they are difficult to look at.

Thanks for your help. Spread the word and spread awareness.


What the hell is going on lately with all these sad dog stories? is this the time of the season monsters go bezerk? (i do not refer to people here).

This makes me have thoughts I do not want to have.

Well, it’s not like the locals don’t know who did it then is it?

Maybe they should collectively grow a pair and confront the guy.

[quote=“jdsmith”]Well, it’s not like the locals don’t know who did it then is it?

Very good point. It’s not like there’s a different newspaper delieveryperson everyday. Same person for the same route.

I heard about this incident and according to my understanding it was the locals who made the investigative effort. When they presented the evidence to the cops they said there was no way that they could charge him because the tape didn’t capture him in the act. There was a building column in the way of the camera. When he was taken in for questioning he denied ever harming any creature in his life. But, the point is even if he did confess, the punishment is worthless. Brownie’s blood is also on the governing authorities hands. It’s depressing. Nobody really gives a damn about the next target either. What if happens not to be a 4 legged creature?

how is the doggie doing?

When I heard about it around a month ago, even though he was recovering from the emergency treatment, it was pretty apparent that both mentally and obviously physically, he will never be the same.

His face is a mess, he lost one eye, his back is out of whack, he’s got stab wounds and part of his gums and teeth had to be removed. The Vet said that he thinks there is no way he can eat without pain for the rest of his life. He of course is completely traumatized and there is no way of knowing when, if ever, he will get over that. He was a happy-go-lucky dog in that neighborhood with tons of good friends, but now he is scared to death if a hand comes anywhere near him. I really don’t know what sort of promise he has in his future. The Kaohsiung Association won’t even think of giving him up but to be honest it is unclear what they will do with him. So, I just don’t know what sort of quality life he has ahead of him.

[quote]So, I just don’t know what sort of quality life he has ahead of him.[/quote]:frowning:

[quote]Kaohsiung Concern for Stray Animals Association rescues and
houses a large number of pets that are either severely neglected or
attacked… [/quote]

KCSAA does an outstanding job treating and rehabilitating severely abused, and injured animals. Beware if you visit [url=]their website/url. The pictures are some of the worse cases I have ever seen in Taiwan…

I would add something, but… Instead I’ll just quote this gentleman:[quote=“Tainan Cowboy”]This makes me have thoughts I do not want to have.[/quote]

well my thoughts are based on passion.

Poor boy… we should just put him out of his misery…the paperboy that is.



I wish I felt optimistic about his future, but to be honest, in order for this dog to have a chance of getting out of this darkness he needs to be some place where he will get the proper attention and treatment. My vibes from the info I got were that there really was no appropriate place to put him there. The Kaohsiung Association is stuffed and even the Chairperson has too many dogs in her house. Someone said she’s even got a couple of St. Bernards in her place. Brownie is going to be a real challenge.

If anyone can contact these people., we would like to take Brownie in. We think we can help him.

Bobepine, can someone down your end call them?

[quote=“Stray Dog”]If anyone can contact these people., we would like to take Brownie in. We think we can help him.

Bobepine, can someone down your end call them?[/quote]

You bet. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

OK, the following links are to BBS boards where this case is discussed. The firts one has some very nasty pictures of the dog after the attack, so don’t go there if you are easily upset.

The second link shows security video of the incident, though it is very patchy and you don’t see anything nasty. Do bear in mind that the guy in the picture may indeed be innocent and in no way involved in this attack.

If anyone can translate the Chinese, please let us know any intersting points you find.

Thank you.

Sincerely hoping whoever did this can be prevented from ever doing such an act again, especially as there is a good chance he will graduate to commiting such acts on innocent people.

The responsible party needs a good kicking.

That’s my thought.


Strange how things happen sometimes. I did a few phone calls today trying to find out more about Brownie since Sean was offering to help him. Two friends called Miss Wong to ask about Brownie, but she only knows Brownie by his Chinese name, and they rescue so many dogs that it was difficult for her to know which dog we were inquiring about. (incredible isn’t it…)

A while back we heard that there is a regular adoption event held near The Love River every Saturday night. We’ve been meaning to go for a while, and we finally made time to take a few of our pooches there today. I just got back from there.

Turns out that this adoption event is held by KCSAA. We were there early, and we got to help setting everything up. There were nearly twenty volunteers there including the three of us from ATK, and nearly thirty animals. What a great bunch they are.

I got to meet Miss Wong for the second time today. It was an honour again. She is the founder of KCSAA, better known as The Aishin Mamas. They have a huge network of volunteers and foster homes.

They operate very much like AT. Every animal they re-home are desexed, microchipped and vaccinated. They ask for a small adoption fee to help cover the cost of it all, and adopters have to sign a contract. They also operate a CNR program and have now CNRed thousands of dogs.

What an outstanding job they do. :notworthy:

This to say that Brownie is in good hands. He had surgery, and he is currently recovering. Let’s hope for the best.