Dogs as Companion Animals Good for Your Health!


This would explain my rugged physique and glowing skin. :wink:

Thatā€™s because dogs give us what we need the mostā€¦ I little bit more love. Unconditional love at that. It helps in the scale of thingsā€¦ I think. :wink:

Or doctor and food bills. :laughing: Mentally, my dogs are a big save for me now. They need to be walked, and that gets me out of the house and AWAY from the person I live with who is driving me :loco:.

[quote=ā€œNamahottieā€]Mentally, my dogs are a big save for me now. They need to be walked, and that gets me out of the house[/quote]That keeps you young, too, you know. Exercise is good for you. :slight_smile: In fact, itā€™s essential in order to keep your young girl figure. :wink: