Dog's expression

My dog has recently taken to siting in front of me, while I’m on the computer, and just stares at me. His little eyebrows occasionally have a worried look to them. I’m 1st time owner with this one…Any dog whispers out there?

Hello again Namahottie,

My dog used to do the same thing when she was 1) bored or 2) hungry. Usually she just wanted attention.

P.S. “siting” should be “sitting”. :wink: I’m just trying to help you get your teaching job. :laughing:

Toys wanted. Something to chew or tear up, maybe. Have you tried those empty pizza boxes?

“Feed me, play with me, take me out for a shit.” Not necessarily in that order. Dogs are simple creatures.

What sandman and everyone else said.

Whenever you see your dog looking at you you should reward the same, even if just with a simple verbal acknowledgement. The dog is making you the center of his/her world, and that is a good thing for a person-dog relationship. Dogs learn to listen much better when they pay attention to you. I know, that seems obvious. But, its an important aspect of the relationship.


P.S. “siting” should be “sitting”. :wink: I’m just trying to help you get your teaching job. :laughing:[/quote] I am not making a good impression am I. Lordy, this ISN"T indicative(sp?) of my teaching skills everyone…Just have a good laugh!!!

Okay everyone, I got it!! thanks for letting me know. And juba I don’t eat enough pizza!! But he has two big chairs to tear up and does he!!! :bravo: :laughing:

My cats do the exact same thing. Sitting right in front of the computer screen or sitting on papers I’m working on. They just want food and the best way to get your attention is to be in your face.

It’s maybe not worry but admiration – that’s quite a balancing act you’ve got going on there.

I think we could help you more if you could tell us what kind of stuff you’re looking at on the Internet when it happens.

My ex used to do the same thing to me, but I don’t think she was hungry or wanted to chew a chair. … :s

[quote=“Stray Dog”]I think we could help you more if you could tell us what kind of stuff you’re looking at on the Internet when it happens.

My ex used to do the same thing to me, but I don’t think she was hungry or wanted to chew a chair. … :s[/quote]

He’s never really happy when im looking for new ways to get him into the bathtub… :laughing:

How long have you had your dog?

After spending almost 10 years with my beagle I can tell exactly what he wants just by the look on his face. My wife is amazed by it, but there’s no trick to it, really. Spend time with him, get to know him. Contrary to what many people believe, dogs are not just dogs. They each have their own personality.

[quote=“Dr_Zoidberg”]How long have you had your dog?

After spending almost 10 years with my beagle I can tell exactly what he wants just by the look on his face. My wife is amazed by it, but there’s no trick to it, really. Spend time with him, get to know him. Contrary to what many people believe, dogs are not just dogs. They each have their own personality.[/quote]

I’ve had Chocky ummm, about 3 or 4 months.

Our golden retriever, Fuzzbucket, used to get this look on his face of surprise and guilt whenever he farted and if someone made a comment about the smell, he would slowly stand up, put his tail between his legs and leave the room with his head down. He could break your heart when he would break wind.

I love dog expressions. How they can get the saddest looks and how they can seem to laugh. How their faces show anger as they furrow their brows. Sigh…Cats just aren’t the same.

And I swear Gustav has the most soulful eyes I’ve ever looked into.

You haven’t spent time with Tuesday, have you? She’s got sooo many different expressions: the begging “talk to me”, the tired “why the heck did you wake me up?”, the curious “what are you doing there???”, the helpless “can I help you feel better?”, the impatient “come on, let’s play now”, the angry “stop pulling my tail”…, all acompanied by an incredible variation of matching meows.


My kids used to do the same thing.

Best to make sure they have food and water then you know they are just enjoying your company.