Don't believe the KMT about the economy


Also people need to wake up. This isnt the 90s or the early 2000’s. There is no hope for an agreement with Beijing . They are in full lockdown mode right now and moving towards total fascism.

Taiwan is still at war with China. The war never stopped. There was a brief period(1980s till 2012ish) in a grey area where Taiwanese could start businesses and make money safely in China, but that time is over. Anyone still there needs to wake up! It’s not safe in China anymore

So you are right, English is crucial. Taiwan needs to turn to the world


Can’t really understand why my family is and has always been KMT. I guess they’re just old-fashioned.

The main theme of my family chat now is “I don’t like the green party, but Han is just so unlikable that I don’t know who to vote for.” The main theme among my Taiwanese peers is “If we don’t vote Tsai we are fucked.”

Maybe I’ll call my mom tonight and ask her what she thinks. Although she probably doesn’t give a damn.

Ask her to vote for Soong or Ko.

Ma’s back in the states and very likely doesn’t give a shit. I’m more concerned about the rest of the fam.

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No it wasn’t.

West did not have 5-15% growth like east Asia djd during the same period.

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2019 real GDP growth at 2.73 percent:
Crushed IMF forecast of 2.0 percent, higher than DGBAS forecast of 2.64 and better than other Asian tigers.


Any big articles/dumps with a bunch of this info in Chinese? Would love to show my ‘doom & gloom’ Taiwanese friends. Obviously prioritize numbers and inarguable facts rather than anything that could be up to spin/interpretation… otherwise it’s basically been a big game of me saying ‘Taiwan’s economy is not bad!’ and them saying ‘No, it’s bad.’

Be aware that the anti-American campaign was very successful. I’ve done the same and shown numbers from Wiki pages or financial sources I follow. The response was WTO, IMF, UN, Wiki, etc… were all fake news.

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my family’s the same, at least the older folks. sad thing is, they don’t even have a valid reason to vote kmt. i’d understand if you’re a waishengren or pro-unification or have any economic self-interest like higher pension but they do not. from what i understand, they just want things to stay the same as it’s always been, keep out of trouble with china and they come up with some obvious chinese-fabricated fake news against dpp politicians that tell you why you shouldn’t vote for them, just like tsai’s fake dissertation.

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I believe from the 60s to the 90s Taiwan had THE fastest economic growth rate worldwide. SourCe : Breakout Nations

Taiwan suffered somewhat from hitting the middle income gap, or should I say some people suffered that , business people, civil servants and those with property assets did not. Few countries can break through the middle income gap in reality. Although some say that Taiwan did break through that but I don’t think so or just barely.

2 Likes Is latest update. The English article is shit though, Taiwan economy isnt booming, its just doing better. Tourism isnt booming. We just have a lot of Tasihang coming back and investing.

The trends look good though if Taiwan can use this investment to transform industries. You wont find an article like the English one, because its not really true.

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The link I provided was simple statistics. Zero spin, just stats.
You can’t just make a claim without facts to back it up. You don’t like GDP growth? then provide an alternate metric and the reasoning for doing so. Don’t go around and repeat KMT lies.
Taiwan’s economy is definitely booming. To me high 2 percent is definitely a boom for a country as rich as Taiwan. That would be better than pretty much all advanced economies except Ireland and maybe a few of the east Europeans. Wages are up, sentiment is improving, dependence on China is down significantly and NTD was the strongest currency in 2019. That’s a win in my book.
There is always room for improvement and I agree that Taiwan should use the money from reshoring for structural reforms. However, decoupling between China and the west is real and that will help Taiwan going forward regardless.

I meant the original post from Taiwan News, the one I posted in Chinese is the same as the English one you posted.

Taiwan is experiencing GDP growth because of Taishang investment. Thats not a boom yet.

I agree with you elsewhere, my problem was with the Taiwan News article

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Taiwan has a decade of slow growth to make up for.

Low engineering wages have brought American tech giants with R&D jobs to the country. Eventually, the wages will rise, but I’m hoping since an AI cluster has formed here, they’ll need to stay due to network advantages.

It looks like the Japan-Korea spat has resulted in more tourists in Taiwan from both countries.

It doesn’t looks like Taiwan’s potential to benefit from both countries sourcing chips therefrom is materializing.

Repeat of the trade war scenario?

  • Taiwan is most independent on China hence they will be hit the hardest by the trade war
  • Oh scratch that Taiwan was the second highest benefactor of the trade war because of “reshoring”

Taiwan’s exports jumped 24.9% from a year earlier to $25.4 billion in February, its best monthly growth rate since September 2017, data from the finance ministry showed on Monday.
A Reuters poll had forecast flat growth.

Though it will get real ugly if the Wuhan virus keeps spreading in Europe and US.

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Short-term, nowhere looks good due to the virus. Even unaffected countries will be heavily economically impacted by the oil war between Russia and SA or by the economic slowdowns in US/China.
Long-term, this past year has been great for Taiwan. Hong Kong and the virus really emphasized issues in China and the pros of dealing with Taiwan instead. Thank god Tsai won, looking forward to the next few years.


Agree, has the potential to be good for Taiwan as Supply chains are moved elsewhere and a speeding up of Taiwanese companies returning. Nobody will want all their eggs in the China basket anymore.

The original article is still silly though. Economy improves finally after ten years and they call it a boom

iii. The regular earnings of total employees (including full-time and part-time employees with Taiwan nationality and foreigners) was NT$42,348, increased by 1.57% than the same month of the last year. After adding the irregular earnings such as bonuses and overtime pays, the average total earnings was NT$102,561, increased by 8.95% than the same month of the last year.
iv. The working hours of all employees were 145.9 hours, decreased by 35.9 hours than the same month of the last year.

I wouldn’t read too much into the working hours as we might have had more holidays or something. Also with the Coronavirus going bananas non of this will be sustainable.