Don't f-in steal bikes in Taiwan

At a certain level. They are all done on bikes that conform to the race org or a governing organization’s regulations. Any advantage, would come from how much more the individual has trained for the event over their opponent(s) and a handful of other things aside from equipment.

Youbikes, as @marasan mentioned, are banned from most bike related competitions/races in Taiwan. They aren’t built for that and shouldn’t be used in that way.

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They were, it was just crazy. So organization may have some to explaining to do.

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I think it is a common thing in Taiwan.

This foreigner seems to have got away with stealing a youbike.

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Not easy to catch someone like that. He blends in with the crowd.

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that’s why bike storage solutions are vital.

Love seeing thieves getting caught in the act

This, I don’t mind cameras tracking everyones movements if it comes to a benefit to the public. In the UK the police would not look into such a matter.

Just tell them that they stole the bike because it was “colored” and they will pour in as many resources as possible

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