Don't play with crocodiles!

[quote]A Kaohsiung municipal zoo veterinarian had his left forearm bitten off by a crocodile Wednesday, but surgeons are operating to reattach the limb, retrieved after a policeman shot dead the crocodile, according to various sources.

A Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital surgeon said the medical team is optimistic about the operation to reattach the limb.[/quote]

Accidents happen, but I just caught footage of this guy on the tube… sitting on the croc’s back, classes of school children sitting on the croc’s back… WTF! Did he not learn from the Crocodile Hunter? Don’t play with the animals!

If he learned a lesson from the Crocodile Hunter, it was that stingrays should be avoided. At least he kept the kids away from the stingrays.

One should never bite the hand that feeds you and all that.


Img BBcode removed by moderator. Link is to a stunning but somewhat grisly picture of the vet’s arm in the croc’s mouth. Actually it’s a great picture, but I felt individual Forumosans should have the choice of whether to view it or not. --DB … x301,0.jpg

[quote]Sick croc strikes back
Police in southern Taiwan were forced to shoot a crocodile after it bit off the arm of the zoo veterinarian treating it, an official said on Wednesday.

Dramatic television footage showed a police officer firing on the animal to wrest the severed limb from its jaws.

Chang Po-yu, 38, from Kaohsiung city’s Shou Shan Zoo, was injecting the sick crocodile with anaesthetic when it attacked him.

He was said to be in a stable condition after being rushed to hospital for an emergency operation to reattach his arm, an local official said.

It was not immediately clear whether the operation would be successful.[/quote]

Darwin Award candidate…failed.

I think it takes a lot of courage for vets to treat dangerous animals. We oughta give that man a hand.

He should have been more heavily armed.

From another forum:

[quote]A TAIWANESE zoo vet has had his arm reattached after it was bitten off by a crocodile.

Earlier reports that the crocodile had been shot have been proven untrue after an examination of the animal.

Chang Po-yu, 38, from the southern Kaohsiung city’s Shou Shan Zoo, was injecting the sick crocodile with anaesthetic when it attacked him.

The Associated Press reported that Mr Chang was trying to retrieve a tranquiliser dart from the reptile’s hide when it attacked him.

Police shot a crocodile after it bit off the arm - but no bullet holes have been found in its skin.

Dramatic television footage showed a police officer firing on the animal to wrest the severed limb from its jaws.

Chang Po-yu, 38, from the southern Kaohsiung city’s Shou Shan Zoo, was injecting the sick crocodile with anaesthetic when it attacked him.[/quote]

There’s a source here. Beware, graphic image of arm in crocodile’s mouth (slightly different but equally gory image here).

Can anyone confirm whether or not this is for real?

Yep. I watched footage of the cop shooting it.

How unfortunate. Amazing if they managed to get that guy’s arm back on (even more amazing if it stays on).

This made CNN too. Apparently they did shoot (or shoot at) the croc but they either missed or the bullets couldn’t penetrate its hide. Damn! Bulletproof maneaters! :astonished:

[quote]As Chang was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday, a zoo worker shot two bullets at the crocodile’s neck to retrieve the forearm, said Chen Po-tsun, a zoo official.

“The crocodile was unharmed as we didn’t find any bullet holes on its hide,” Chen said. “It probably was shocked and opened its mouth to let go of the limb.”[/quote] – CNN

Stop it! Wo “shou” bu liao le!

Bi4 zui3! :laughing:

Well for your next punning session, try the following.

Good grief! Who’d work in a friggin’ zoo?


[quote]Argentine zookeeper dies after anteater attack
April 13, 2007 - 8:08AM

A young Argentine zookeeper who worked on a giant anteater conservation project has died after she was attacked by an anteater who mauled her abdomen and legs with its sharp front claws.

“Her injuries were very serious and when she was admitted she was already in critical condition,” Jose Potito, director of the hospital, said.

Potito said Melisa Casco, 19, died after an operation to amputate one of her legs.

Casco worked at the Florencio Varela zoo outside Buenos Aires as part of a conservation and reproduction project involving endangered giant anteaters.

The zoo was closed on Thursday and not available for comment, but a zoo worker yesterday described the attack as an accident.

Zoo workers told local media they did not see Tuesday’s attack on Casco. Different reports said the anteater was male, or female, and may have been protecting offspring or was in heat.

Anteaters, which can measure up to 2.8 metres long and weigh as much as 50kg, are native to Latin America and have toothless snouts.

They are usually not aggressive, but their long, knife-like claws can do serious damage to predators when they defend themselves.[/quote]

Now that the croc is dead, at least he should get the skin to make a nice wallet.

I’d suggest boots, that will divert attention from his mangled arm.


It’s nice to see the Stupidity in Taiwan given international attention.

Nope, it’s still “alive after being shot twice by police officers”, says this morning’s China Post. And, “Officials were surprised to find yesterday that the Nile crocodile survived two gun shots fired by police officers on Wednesday to free Chang’s arm from the crocodile’s mouth.”

Didn’t they even check? :loco: :loco:

Indeed. :s

No! I suppose they just dumped the “carcass” in the street. That must have given poor old Mrs Wang quite a start as she headed off to her ballroom dancing class this morning!

Thanks for the follow up!



And even more worrying (or stupid?) is the number of people who crossed the the barrier, sealing off the crocs enclosure, to take pictures of the croc yesterday… while it was, unbeknown to all, still alive. :frowning:

Bloody hell!!

Isn’t there any control in this country? :s

[quote=“Anubis”]And even more worrying (or stupid?) is the number of people who crossed the the barrier, sealing off the crocs enclosure, to take pictures of the croc yesterday… while it was, unbeknown to all, still alive. :frowning:

Bloody hell!!

Isn’t there any control in this country? :s[/quote]

Don’t worry. Even if he was still alive, he was at least rendered 'armless.