DOUBLE my security fee, will ya? grr

OK legalheads, the owner of the building where our school is located has decided that he will DOUBLE our security fee, effective immediately.

So, uh, do I just bang my cranium off the wall, yell at him, or can I make him like, stop it?

jdseething :fume:

It’s a sign that your school does well, according to him … he is just taking a gamble, you can move or stay … you’re probably going to stay so he wins … you lose, so start banging your head … :laughing:

Welcome to the real Taiwan …

I guess you could start asking for documentary evidence of where the money goes…

And of course, you should immediately ask the other occupants of the building if they’ve also had their fees doubled. If not, why not? A building meeting would surely be in order. Stick a sign in the elevator to this effect. See what happens.

Yes, they are all being hit with the same thing. There was a meeting (they didn’t tell us about though so we missed it). No one is happy about it. 6to 12k for a guy who chainsmokes all day.

Why? because the rent is too GD high for anyone here in Palookaville to afford. Tenants are not resigning their leases. Duh, should I draw him a diaphram?

Seriously though, can this fucking fucker do this?

Yes, they are all being hit with the same thing. There was a meeting (they didn’t tell us about though so we missed it).[/quote]

Don’t understand how that could happen (:roll: read tongue in cheek) given that you aren’t new to the country and all. Best of luck with that man…If you gotta move then something good is to come from all of it…

You could offer to sign a new, longer lease if he’ll drop the increase. And get a fixed-rate fee written into that.

Well, I dont wanna know how to work through the problem, I wanna know if he can legally DO it. Gosh, as a liberal bush hater, I’m surprised at you DB for telling me to work it through instead of just assuming he’s wrong and needs to be stopped!!! :laughing:

JD, assuming you have alease or rental contract, then check it and see what provisions are in the contract for such an increase, if none, then tell him to shove his increase where the sun dont shine, if the contract has a cluase allowing the increase, then sorry mate, you are going to have to pay.

Get all the tenants to refuse to pay, and to threaten to move out.

Thanks Traveller, will check it out.

Carlos Casteneda’s Dreamchild wrote

Get all the tenants to refuse to pay, and to threaten to move out.[/quote]

Please man, I want to solve the problem not inflame it. lol It would be like getting bees to all walk in line. :s :wink:

Laissez-faire capitalism? :slight_smile:

Oh, so here’s the sortaconclusion:

The landlord died; his daughter will pay 100% of the security fee and we will renegotiate the rent in May.

What’s the “security fee” cover? Is it like a “guanli fei”?

Anyway, glad there’s been a sortaconclusion to this.

[quote=“fee”]What’s the “security fee” cover? Is it like a “guanli fei”?

Anyway, glad there’s been a sortaconclusion to this.[/quote]

Yeah, it’s for the security guy and the cleaning lady I guess; elevator usage.

[quote=“jdsmith”]Oh, so here’s the sortaconclusion:

The landlord died; his daughter will pay 100% of the security fee and we will renegotiate the rent in May.[/quote]

Wow, jd. Remind me never to mess with YOU.

[quote=“irishstu”][quote=“jdsmith”]Oh, so here’s the sortaconclusion:

The landlord died; his daughter will pay 100% of the security fee and we will renegotiate the rent in May.[/quote]

Wow, jd. Remind me never to mess with YOU.[/quote]

Too late stu…just too late.

See you at the HH tomorrow night. Tie up your loose ends.

[quote=“jdsmith”]The landlord died[/quote]So, some good did come out of this. :smiling_imp:

[quote=“jdsmith”]Oh, so here’s the sortaconclusion:

The landlord died; his daughter will pay 100% of the security fee and we will renegotiate the rent in May.[/quote]


Explain again, for an old sailor…

The landlord wants to double your security fee from 6 to 12k per month.
Everyone is unhappy.
The landlord then DIES.
His daughter offers to pay all your security fees until May.

If I am right:

  1. What a nasty ending for the landlord.
  2. There but for the grace of God go I.

Is that really the story?
