Driving test Engrish!

Oh, what we have to endure to get a driving license here nowadays. I long for the old days…

True or false: The vehicle may not attach a tailor without the permit ion of road authority.

True or false: Signs refer to warnings, bans, indicators, lines and words on the road that control road signs. [huh? (by the way, the answer is “false”)]

True or false: Drunk, sick, drug-taking people are prohibited from driving. [Does two out of three count?]

And what the hell does this mean?

True or false: To use overpasses or under passed would be the last resort.

Do they still have those numerous multiple choice questions that start with “If you are a taxi driver and you…” I mean what the hell are they thinking, how many foreign taxi drivers have you ever seen in Taiwan? or are they encouraging the “WWATDD” mindset when on the roads? :laughing:

What would a taxi driver do?

The ultimate benchmark for life’s little potholes and wrinkles. Who’s gonna get these bracelets made up?

Even better, the Agony Taxi Driver blog - all your questions answered in terms of blaming the DPP or the KMT, and taking a bat to that which needs a bat taken to it.

They don’t have any that start out with “If you are a taxi driver and you…” Instead, they just launch right into the question:

True or false: If I’m taking the old, pregnant or handicapped passengers, I should increase the charge.

My first reaction was “huh”? Charge? What the hell are they talking about?

And, by the way, they could at the very least use “T” and “F” on the English test (as we traditionally do on English tests) instead of “X” and “O”, though it’s easy figure out which means true and which means false.

[quote=“plasmatron”]how many foreign taxi drivers have you ever seen in Taiwan?[/quote]Laugh all you like but I’ve thought of taking the test just for shits and giggles.

I’m not sure you’ll fit in too well at the taxi ranks redwagon… I mean what are you going to do while the rest of the guys are squatting around, spitting bin lang on their blue flip flops, drinking whisby shots and telling stories about how they beat the hell out of their wife/child/dog last night?..

I’m not sure you’ll fit in too well at the taxi ranks redwagon… I mean what are you going to do while the rest of the guys are squatting around, spitting bin lang on their blue flip flops, drinking whisby shots and telling stories about how they beat the hell out of their wife/child/dog last night?..[/quote]Yeah, you’re right about that. I’d have to lie about the black eyes my wife gives me and make up some story about going at it with gravel truck drivers or something. At least I have the driving style down. :wink:

I knew it!! I just knew it!!11oneoneeleven :stuck_out_tongue: