Drunks tear Songshan police station apart

I can only imagine what the reaction would be if it was a bunch of western ex-pats who did that.

probably like this…

If we all wear black it might confuse them.

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New Jersey, I don’t know. But more than a couple of police stations have been trashed in the US in the last 10 months.

Somehow I doubt these black-clad police office trashers in Taipei are local supporters of Black Lives Matter.


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Yeah, obviously they’re Antifa.

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Maybe they’re with the Proud Boys.

Taipei Police… stand back and stand by.”

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So the Taipei police are the Proud Boys? That would make the black clad vandalizers Antifa, no? Perhaps it’s just better to put conspiracy theories about Trump in the drawer unless he tries to run again.

OK, I think we’ve gone far enough into US politics on this one!


Oh boy. And I thought the german police was soft…


Was this gang banging? Or just 10 drunk guys?

Do you gotta ask? Just see who’s paisaying.


One can only assume , the news story seems just as shady as gangstas.

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Let’s not be to harsh. I’ve heard more than one story of drunk foreigners stumbling into Taiwan police stations, blabbering about something or another, being treated quite well, and then sent on their way.

Probably a regular occurrence somewhere in Taiwan.

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Pie say? Im not familiar with that phrase is this right?

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Yes, also a way of saying sorry.

If 10 people did this and 11 arent in jail now…fear…those dicks were connected and the police are scared. it takes police here like 5 seconds to find and cuff you if they want to. Obviously in this case, they dont want to.

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There needs to be more to these stories, does the news ever follow up? Or just give us some wild shit and run away???

If there is a place to check up on crazy stories please tell me im interest in learning

Never fear all. The netizen is onto it.

From the article:

the netizen questioned the precinct’s handling of the matter


That is journalism! :rofl:
