Dry January and Beyond (Ongoing Accountability group)

Was it a reward for all the good stuff you’re doing? If so, do you think you need a new reward system for yourself?

I walked by the beer coolers in the store the other day. They had everything I used to drink in stock, fully in stock. What fuckers.


Maybe you were the only buyer xD


I’m getting more and more excited about Dry February. Today I drank half a liter of wheat beer with my lunch.

Still one wine bottle to go.

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Nah, it’s been low before. I just need a new conspiracy.

“half a liter of … beer”
where I am from we call it just “one beer” :joy:

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yeah, a “starter” beer

Yes, you hit the nail on the head.

Absolutely I do.

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I went out and ran 15 miles (25km) this morning. Pretty good not having a low level hangover at the same time


That’s some serious distance.

One thing I was thinking about lately is how if you’re in decent shape, that’s a huge disincentive to stop drinking. You start to feel that the booze isn’t affecting you too badly if you can still run, say, 10k in 50 minutes. Anyway, that was my thought process for some years.


Cat got out again?

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Day 30 here. Had my first beer drinking dream last night. At a table, in Taiwan no less, pouring beer into a little glass, caught up in healthy conversation and when the last of the beer was out of the bottle, I looked at the little Taiwan Beer glass and thought, “Ooops, I just drink a beer.”

So, according to @superking if I apply HALT to it, it seems as though L was the culprit.


I’m on day 16. I started late (on the 14th). All good so far. I’ve definitely been sleeping longer and deeper, but I’ve been on vacation for LNY so it’s hard to say if it’s the abstinence or lack of stress from work. I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Not exercising with a slight hangover is another clear benefit, also mentioned by at least @superking.


OK, February first. Last night me and my friend emptied that bottle of wine plus two large cans of beers that I had in the fridge, all in the aim of having a clean start and avoiding temptations. That and that I didn’t want the wine to go bad… such a waste! She’s joining me in the journey of what years ago would be a totally normal month for me. It’s good, since I might spend some to much of my free time with her, and she usually drinks way more than me.

Send your support letters by PM and money to the bank account I can share privately.


I’ll do Dry January… the next time Lunar New Year isn’t in January.

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Less money is less money to buy booze with.

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People going cold turkey are dangerous. Don’t fuck with me!

Probably best to just lock yourself inside the apartment. Good luck!

How about a damp February?

Probably working on it right now xD

I’ll try my luck outside.