Dumb-ass needs help with Diablo 2

Hey dudes

bought a copy of Diablo 2 (expansion) the other day, and it turned out, after I had installed it, that the game is in Chinese…aaaarrrgghhh!!
Anyway, is there anything I can do to change it to English, anything I can download or something? Any advice would be greatly appreciated…


Yer screwed. But I’ll trade you my English version for your Chinese one.

Have you tried going back to the store and exchanging it for the English version? If it’s a mainstream game like Diablo 2 they should have an English version there too, my cousin likes to get the original versions be it in English or Japanese since she feels that most of the translations and sounds get screwed up when they change it to Chinese format.

I purchased Chinese edition of “Rise of Nations” a while back from FNAC and they exchanged it to an English version for me.

shit, yeah, i figured ther’d be no way around it. Anyways, to the dude that wants to trade (really?), yeah for sure, PM me.