Dungeons and Dragons "D&D" (pen and paper, and PSP)

i think that this game has driven some of us to extremely long nights and days of interesting stories…
the last time that I actually played it was … 3 years ago… in spanish jejejeje… but i would love to play it again, i have most of the books in PDF files and if someone wants to make a group let me know… by the way, i live in Hsinchu…
now if someone wants to play maybe ones a month only then it could be in taipei on a weekend… so we could make a nice not too big group and start from lvl one and just keep playing the same characters… actually for this is very important to have a DM that has a lot of knowledge on the subject since i dont remember all the rules now …

Another subject is D&D on PSP, has someone here played it? i know that with the help of a wifi max it can be played online, so there is no need for 2 guys to meet each other to actually play it, but is it nice game? i am thinking about getting it since there might be an update “i think from some articles that i saw” to late it be some kind of MMO with servers for not more than 32 ppl… or something like that jejeje