Is it worth the effort to go to Taipei?
My wife wants a video camera to take in her bag to capture the kids when they are at their funniest. I don’t particularly want to spend any money but would like it to last longer than the warranty and be able to connect with her Mac.
Did my research online and found what we need at a price I am willing to pay. Look locally and the price for the same camera is about double! Nothing can be found at any decent standard for under 20k. The cameras I was looking at in the US were about 9k for a cheap Canon or 18k for last years HQ dv.
Has anyone seen any decent prices in Taipei or will I just order from the US? I would rather buy it here as she says she needs it urgently.
Related: [url]Where's a good place to buy video cameras? [url]Hard Disk/SD (secure digital) Camcorders