E-mail, call or walk-in?

I have just started looking for a new teaching job for after the summer and finding it difficult going.

I’ve tried all the usual sites and newspapers and stuff and sent off plenty of e-mails with no replies.

What do you think the best method is? Sending resumes by e-mail, cold-calling the schools or just turning up on the door? The latter is pretty difficult for me because I live in Taoyuan and want to find work in Taipei.

I have searched the archives previously and read all that stuff, just wanted some current reccomendations.

I’m looking for a job in Taipei, preferably by the universities if anyone wants to offer me a job :laughing:

Also, my current supervisor said I should send a picture with my resume, is that a good idea? Seems a little odd to me. :loco:

When you say “by the universities” do you mean, like, physically near them? Or offered in conjuction with a uni, or what?

Sending a picture with your resume is standard practice in Asia, buddy. And for that matter, anywhere but N. America, as far as I can tell. I’m looking for work here, too, and having taught in China and Thailand already I just assumed a picture would be a requirement.

I’ve only emailed three schools in the last week about work, but I’ve gotten three positive replies (each job with some problem that was unresolveable for me/them, though). All three jobs probably got a potful of apps.

You’re writing a cover letter for each email, yeah? Should be three paragraphs. What these three are about changes basically according to what the school seems to want to know most about you – my base setup is P1) Where I heard about the job and why I’m interested, P2) a summary of my qualifications, experience and teaching style so they don’t have to wade through my resume if they don’t want to, P3) why I’m a good teacher for the job and general encouragement about contacting me for an interview.

Employers will appreciate anything you do to make their job easier. Put yourself in the employers shoes – would you answer an email containing a barrage of demanding questions, or that had a form written cover, or any spelling errors?

If you have a few questions about the school, try calling them first. Mention that you called in your email (and mention by name who you talked to – which means you’ll have to ask when you call).