Earthquakes 2008

And here’s last night’s which was enough to have me thinking “Hey, was that… hmm, yeah, the light is swinging a little.”

(There were also 14 other quakes along the east coast in the last 24 hours including two others over magnitude 5, but I only post info on those people talk about.)

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M 5.9 54.2 km ENE of Taitung City 2008-04-24 02:28 #028 (0424022859028) … 859028.gif … 859028.txt


Earthquake No.: 97028

Origin time (Taiwan Standard Time: GMT+08:00): 4/24/2008 2:28:42.1

Location: 22.89N 121.66E, i.e. 54.2 km ENE of Taitung City

Depth : 10.1 km

Magnitude(ML): 5.9

Local Largest Intensity :

Taitung County 4
Taitung City 3
Hualien County 2
Kaohsiung County 2
Pingtung County 2
Chiayi County 2
Hualien City 2
Yunlin County 2
Nantou County 2
Chiayi City 2
Tainan County 2
Douliou City 2
Tainan City 2
Kaohsiung City 2
Pingtung City 2
Changhua City 2
Nantou City 1
Taichung County 1
Changhua County 1
Taichung City 1
Miaoli County 1
Yilan City 1
Penghu County 1
Taipei City 1
Miaoli City 1
Taipei County 1
Taoyuan City 1
Keelung City 1

M 5.9 台東成功地震站東南方 37.7 公里 2008-04-24 02:28 #028 (0424022859028) … 859028.gif … 859028.txt

[code] 中央氣象局地震測報中心 第028號有感地震報告
發 震 時 間: 97年 4月24日 2時28分42.1秒
震 央 位 置: 北 緯 22.89 °
東 經 121.66 °
震 源 深 度: 10.1 公里
芮 氏 規 模: 5.9
相 對 位 置: 台東成功地震站東南方 37.7 公里

                             各 地 震 度 級

台東地區最大震度 4級 花蓮地區最大震度 2級 高雄地區最大震度 2級
綠 島 4 玉 里 2 桃 源 2
成 功 4 紅 葉 2 高雄市 2
東 河 4 光 復 2 甲 仙 1
台東市 3 西 林 2
初 鹿 3 鹽 寮 2
蘭 嶼 3 花蓮市 2
利 稻 2 銅 門 2
太麻里 2 太魯閣 2
大 武 1 和 平 1
屏東地區最大震度 2級 嘉義地區最大震度 2級 雲林地區最大震度 2級
三地門 2 阿里山 2 草 嶺 2
恆 春 2 大 埔 2 斗六市 2
屏東市 2 嘉義市 2
枋 寮 1 六 腳 2
鵝鑾鼻 1
南投地區最大震度 2級 台南地區最大震度 2級 彰化地區最大震度 2級
日月潭 2 善 化 2 彰化市 2
合歡山 2 台南市 2 大 城 1
南投市 1
台中地區最大震度 1級 苗栗地區最大震度 1級 宜蘭地區最大震度 1級
德 基 1 三 義 1 宜蘭市 1
台中市 1 苗栗市 1
外 埔 1
澎湖地區最大震度 1級 台北地區最大震度 1級 桃園地區最大震度 1級
馬 公 1 台北市 1 桃園市 1
五分山 1
基隆市 1

2008-04-23 18:28:42 (Mw 5.8) TAIWAN REGION 22.9 121.6 … 08recc.php


***This event supersedes event AT00897532.

Geographic coordinates: 22.863N, 121.611E
Magnitude: 5.8 Mw
Depth: 10 km
Universal Time (UTC): 23 Apr 2008 18:28:42
Time near the Epicenter: 24 Apr 2008 02:28:42
Local standard time in your area: 23 Apr 2008 18:28:42

Location with respect to nearby cities:
48 km (30 miles) ENE (70 degrees) of T’ai-tung, Taiwan
123 km (76 miles) S (179 degrees) of Hua-lien, Taiwan
139 km (87 miles) ENE (78 degrees) of Kao-hsiung, Taiwan
919 km (571 miles) N (4 degrees) of MANILA, Philippines


event ID : US 2008recc

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist at NEIC[/code]

Woah. That was a decent shake.

Hey, I asked for a later wake-up call.

Sign up for Taiwan earthquake alerts:
English: … e-alert-en
中文: … e-alert-zh

M 5.7 85.1 km E of Hualien City 2008-05-11 03:42 #038 (0511034257038) … 257038.gif … 257038.txt


Earthquake No.: 97038

Origin time (Taiwan Standard Time: GMT+08:00): 5/11/2008 3:42: 1.1

Location: 24.00N 122.45E, i.e. 85.1 km E of Hualien City

Depth : 5.0 km

Magnitude(ML): 5.7

Local Largest Intensity :

Yilan County 3
Hualien County 2
Yilan City 2
Nantou County 2
Taitung County 2
Taichung County 2
Taipei County 2
Changhua County 2
Changhua City 2
Hualien City 2
Douliou City 2
Taoyuan County 1
Taipei City 1
Taoyuan City 1
Hsinchu City 1
Miaoli County 1
Chiayi County 1
Nantou City 1
Taichung City 1
Chiayi City 1
Keelung City 1
Miaoli City 1
Penghu County 1

M 5.7 花蓮市地震站東方 85.1 公里 2008-05-11 03:42 #038 (0511034257038) … 257038.gif … 257038.txt

[code] 中央氣象局地震測報中心 第038號有感地震報告
發 震 時 間: 97年 5月11日 3時42分 1.1秒
震 央 位 置: 北 緯 24.00 °
東 經 122.45 °
震 源 深 度: 5.0 公里
芮 氏 規 模: 5.7
相 對 位 置: 花蓮市地震站東方 85.1 公里

                             各 地 震 度 級

宜蘭地區最大震度 3級 花蓮地區最大震度 2級 南投地區最大震度 2級
蘇澳港 3 和 平 2 合歡山 2
羅 東 3 太魯閣 2 日月潭 1
南 澳 2 鹽 寮 2 南投市 1
蘇 澳 2 壽 豐 2
宜蘭市 2 銅 門 2
內 城 2 花蓮市 2
南 山 2 秀 林 1
吉 安 1
磯 崎 1
光 復 1
西 林 1
台東地區最大震度 2級 台中地區最大震度 2級 台北地區最大震度 2級
長 濱 2 德 基 2 五分山 2
成 功 2 大 肚 2 指南宮 2
蘭 嶼 2 東 勢 1 信義區 2
台中市 1 貢 寮 1
外 埔 1 新 店 1
基隆港 1
台北市 1
五 股 1
基隆市 1
彰化地區最大震度 2級 雲林地區最大震度 2級 桃園地區最大震度 1級
員 林 2 斗六市 2 三 光 1
彰化市 2 桃園市 1
大 城 2
新竹地區最大震度 1級 苗栗地區最大震度 1級 嘉義地區最大震度 1級
新竹市 1 鯉魚潭 1 阿里山 1
三 義 1 嘉義市 1
苗栗市 1 六 腳 1
澎湖地區最大震度 1級
馬 公 1

A 1? In Taipei City?? I don’t think so.

From USGS:

M 5.3, Taiwan region 2008-05-10 19:41:58 UTC Z=10km 24.0113N 122.5769E … 08rwbz.php


***This event supersedes event AT00044852.

Geographic coordinates: 24.011N, 122.576E
Magnitude: 5.3 Mb
Depth: 10 km
Universal Time (UTC): 10 May 2008 19:41:58
Time near the Epicenter: 11 May 2008 03:41:58
Local standard time in your area: 10 May 2008 19:41:58

Location with respect to nearby cities:
98 km (61 miles) SE (132 degrees) of Su-ao, Taiwan
101 km (63 miles) E (87 degrees) of Hua-lien, Taiwan
159 km (99 miles) SE (138 degrees) of T’AI-PEI, Taiwan
1058 km (658 miles) N (9 degrees) of MANILA, Philippines


event ID : US 2008rwbz

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist at NEIC[/code]


That is really bad, our building is still swaying while I am typing this …

Still swaying big time up here on the 22d floor in Neihu.

Wooooooaaaaaahh, the mid-level floors in Taipei 101 are currently inducing seasickness!!!

It doesn’t feel like a quake, it feels like one is dizzy and about to faint!

On the 11th flr in Nangang, feels like on a boat, looking across at ya at 101.

that was hellish long…felt like being on a ship in a swell

I didn’t feel anything but just turned on the TV to find them talking about a 7.8 quake!

Except that one is in Sichuan province. Still waiting for CWB to post about the one here.

Probably far away and we are riding the wave … feel still dizzy myself …

[quote=“jlick”]I didn’t feel anything but just turned on the TV to find them talking about a 7.8 quake!

Except that one is in Sichuan province. Still waiting for CWB to post about the one here.[/quote]
Here is the USGS Data of that one

Brief news report (in English)

Could it be that we felt that one, too?

This is odd they are saying the Sichuan EQ was felt in Beijing/Shanghai/Hanoi/Bangkok? I’ve never heard of an earthquake being felt over such a huge area. Was that earthquake the same one we just felt in Taipei , impossible right?


If it was felt here, no way was it only 7.8 (or 7.5 as USGS is reporting now). Still, USGS has reports of it being felt in Shanghai and Beijing, so I guess it’s possible it was that one felt here.

I’ve also found this one listed:
12-MAY-2008 02:21:49 46.61 152.54 [color=red]4.9[/color] 35.0 KURIL ISLANDS Japan

Never felt a thing.

CWB is saying that even though we are almost 1900km from the epicenter that what you felt here was the quake in Sichuan. USGS is showing responses from Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan and across China reporting feeling it.

Dragonbabe didn’t feel it at Furen University either. My heavy steel and glass office door was swinging a good five inches, though, and it lasted about a minute. It was very disorienting.