Some shaking in Taichung…
Don’t want to feel an earthquake on 9/21 of all days…
EDIT: CWB report.
So . . . you are passing along encouragement from Japan?
If so, thanks!
My trusty curtains are swinging. Was there an earthquake?!
Your windows are trash, as almost all windows in Taiwan. It’s just wind coming in.
Sorry, I had Mexican last night.
Earthquake in Kinmen. That’s certainly something new. What gods have we upset? Or is China up to something? 快訊/金門地牛翻身!規模4.5「極淺層地震」 最大震度2級 - 鏡週刊 Mirror Media
I was more thinking that something nefarious was happening under the sea, but good to know the Chinese tourists have returned…
Why? I’m not being a dick, just interested about what positives this creates.
EDIT: Oh, I see the ellipsis now. I get it.
Located in Hualien, this national university got hit hard by the earthquake in April, with the Chemistry Building catching on fire and become unusable. Thankfully no one was hurt.
Now, six months later, NDHU is still attempting to rebuilt, a process that will take years. Perhaps partly due to the earthquake’s aftermath, they also could not fill their freshmen seats (i.e. more spots were available than students in Taiwan willing to take those spots). These and other details appear in a new report from Taiwan Plus.