Easy word game - please read rules in the blue box

schizocarp - (the winged seed pod of maple trees … having to do with reproduction)

perpetual - (Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time… how long seeds last)

lasting (see above)

grandfather (as in clock)

rash (like on his ass from the diapers)

horny (as in what he was before he got the rash)

yearn (I’m sure he does, since he’s horny and all)

nostalgia (yearning for something past)

age (link is too obvious to explain)

age > era

era > ancient

ancient > tradition

tradition > nonsense :stuck_out_tongue:

nonsense > eccentric

eccentric > crazy

crazy > zany

zany > nuts

nuts-> squirrel

squirrel > language (there’s a computer language called Squirrel)

language > Euskara (the native name for the Basque language)