Eccentric musings of a sad odd man-child

Sometimes, I get brainwaves.
You know, the types of ideas thought of just before falling asleep, or while taking a shower. A stroke of brilliance, if you will.
I get them A LOT during the day when I didn’t sleep much or at all the night before.
And every time, for the past quite long while, I’ve gotten one, I say to myself: Damn, I really need to write this down!
Inevitably, I don’t have pen and paper on or in my near vicinity and thus I become immediately sidetracked with whatever it was I was doing when the brainwave hit and forget to write the idea down. I just had another idea - I could have pulled my phone out and recorded the idea by voice. Wish I’d thought of that before!
Today was particularly bad. I had no sleep at all last night, ate far too many kopikos. I guesstimate I had approximately 7 brainwaves, but unfortunately I only remember two. The other five are now lost to the cosmos, floating around in the metaphysical as are countless others thought of but not recorded by me and surely many many of our worlds’ minds.

Well NOW, I’m taking a stand! I’m vowing to always keep a pen and paper with me or a means of recording my speech (now that I thought of that idea and noted it above!) and to do my best to never let a brainwave of mine escape again.

This thread will serve as a place for me to pick some of my brainwaves to share with the world. On Forumosa, because that’s what I feel like doing.


Looking forward to enjoying your delicious brainwaves. We need more man-child brainwave posters on forumosa.

This post was meant to have my first brainwave I wanted to share, but you know how I said I could only remember two of my brainwaves from today? I got so carried away with writing the thread opener that by the time I got to writing this post I had forgotten the brainwave I was going to write here. Now I only remember one brainwave, which I don’t want to share here and I have not yet written down. I’m pretty sure I can remember this one though. We’ll see in the morning.

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You know something, I thought the original version of your reply was just fine.

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If anyone needs a quick rundown, the TL;DR version of the first post is: “I’ll start shitposting when I remember to do so”.

I approve, btw.


I did that for a while, lost the notes, so they’re gone with the wind.

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Can you explain the Banach-Tarski Paradox… your next epiphany …?

It seems to me this thread wants merging with the ‘useless observations’ thread.

11173: I had an unbidden mental image of you having your stroke of brilliance in the shower, and now I can’t get it out of my head. Ugh.

Do you often have mental images of people stroking it in the shower?


I wouldn’t normally, but he did insist on flashing his inspiration here.

When people claim to have “brainwaves” all the time, I’m inclined to think they are more along the lines of this, the kind of thing that seems extraordinary when on LCD, but quite a bit less so the next day.

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Just you wait, I’ll show you!

Get a compost bin. Once a month, take the U Bend pipe out from under the kitchen sink and clean the contents out into the compost bin.

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When it starts leaking, move to another place.

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I hope it gets better.

I record mine voice to text so it’s already in writing when I wake up.

I thought the U bend pipe one was pretty good.
I’m planning on an all nighter tonight so we’ll see what I come up with tomorrow afternoon.
Care to share one or two with us?

I haven’t had any brainwaves in over 18months.
Ad today is my cake day. Yay.

Were you in Wuhan 18 months ago?


Dumb question. Now that Brexit has finally gone through (effective 1 February 2020 apparently), how long do non-EU citizen British passport holders living in EU countries have to either get a residence permit or leave the zone?