Effectiveness or otherwise of Ivermectin for treating anything/everything

Yeah, it’s a shame Steve kept interrupting and talking over the other two, because they all had important things to say, including Steve.

Very interesting point around the 50-minute mark where the discuss the “organic” emergence of echo-chambers in science, censorship, groupthink, public compliance, etc., without any (apparent) underlying conspiracy; this recurs throughout the following conversation. I find this fascinating myself.

They also bring up a point I made a while back on here (around 1.20), that there is a schism in society which has pitted true believers against skeptics, with virtually nobody in the middle. IMO this is going to be incredibly harmful for society going forward; once animosity has been fostered it’s hard to make it go away.

Steve’s really getting on my nerves shouting over everybody and derailing trains of thought. It would have been better done as a one-on-one conversation with the two guests separately.


You’ve never said anything ludicrous here.
Never :grin:.

I’ll take that as a compliment.

You possibly don’t even recognise it. I do have some expertise in this area, despite the fact that I was snoring through a lot of university lectures and walked away with a 2.2. I’ve had something of a personal interest in the science of compliance, conditioning, “selling”, propaganda, and the like, and I’ve read a great deal about it over the years (you wouldn’t believe how many fancy tools have been added to the toolbox since B.F.Skinner’s “Beyond Freedom and Dignity”). People are very easy to manipulate, and you can do it without the subject having even the slightest awareness of what’s going on, apart from (sometimes) a vague, nagging sense of discomfort. I never realised quite how easy it was until I saw it happen in front of my own eyes.

I think racial superiority has been a big enabler - the belief that it can never happen to you because you’re not as stupid as those gullible Russians or Cubans, and anyway you live in a ‘civilised’ State. This belief makes it sooo much easier for the right ideas to be shoved into your head. It can happen to you. It happens all the time. And it’s happening with the dial turned up to 11 right now.


It is sad how intolerant people are these days to voices that disagree. Seriously, disagree and move on. But its been channeled into social media telling people what they can and cannot say. I mean it’s their right as a private company but when a private company is essentially a monopoly on social media it really has a freezing effect on free speech.

What social media is essentially saying is that people are too stupid to listen to different viewpoints and make their own conclusions so we are going to curate what people can view.

With the exception of hate speech I think social media needs to get out of the way.


I think it’s gone way beyond mere intolerance - we’re into genuine thought-censorship territory here, with the private sector voluntarily doing the bidding of State actors.

I’ve posted occasionally on the mechanics of compliance, and I think the tool that’s been leveraged here is flattery. Millions of ordinary citizens (mostly completely unqualified to comment, in that they don’t even have the academic background to educate themselves in the required areas of science, medicine, math, etc.) have been recruited to make their feelings known and to shout down people far more intelligent and informed than themselves, on the basis that it is they who hold the moral high ground and are the guardians of knowledge.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never read an academic paper in your life, didn’t study science beyond the age of 12, or haven’t even worked through Campbell’s Notes; no, everyone is a scientist now, and everyone’s opinion is valid … as long as you’re repeating approved opinions. TPTB are reassuring the vocally uninformed that they are not merely ignorant keyboard warriors, but are good and clever people holding the line against the tide of ‘misinformation’. In short, the Ministry of Truth is on the case.


I wonder if there was an agenda here?

Have you watched it on its entirety yet?

No way am I taking the mRNA vaccines now.

I’m stocking up on Ivermectin, cyproheptadine and fluvoxamine too. Probably can get all three OTC here luckily.

Better purchase quick, the government here is already discouraging people from taking them.

Can you really buy them here?

Ivermectin, yes. Not sure about the other two.

That one for sure too. I’ve bought other SSRIs before so they probably have fluvoxamine.

Maybe a stupid question. Can I go to a pharmacy and buy ivermectin? Won’t they think it is weird? Ask questions?

If they do, just try another one. Most places just want to make money. If you’re in Taipei, go to this place: Shanghai Union Pharmacy, No. 32, Hengyang Road.


Just tell them you’ve got worms :man_shrugging:

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This is a job for the wife I think. The amount I eat, she probably believes I have worms, so she won’t be lying.

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  1. Ivermectin is a drug with a known safety profile. It can’t hurt to try basically.

  2. It seems that combination therapy provides the best response, especially with fluvoxamine.


“Taiwan’s experts.”

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…To you.

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