Elementary School Recommendation

I don’t have any kids, and I’m not adequately familiar with the educational system here, or with the laws, regulations, or customs pertaining to education here, to be able to say anything pertinent about them with any kind of confidence. I’m just posting links.

The thread immediately below is somewhat old. It starts in September 2010 and ends in February 2014. I’m hoping, though, that it might contain something useful to you. It’s rather long; on the old board that we moved from, it’s fifteen pages. Please be aware that things may have changed since the thread was written:

The thread above is also located on the old board, here:

I reached the above thread (which I’d seen before but had forgotten about) by clicking a link on the page linked below:


The article above is dated August 25, 2013, so it’s somewhat old, too, but again, I’m hoping that it might help at least a little bit. And again, please be aware that things may have changed since the article was written.

I hope this helps, or at least that it does no harm.