Elon Musk's Magnificent Business Thread

possibly some sort of delusional grandiosity being manifested

or he’s a master troll


Jesus Christ, way to miss the point. I thought I’d try and contextualize it for you, but now I see you’re being willfully obtuse. I don’t care about his online gaming ability, I care that one of the most influential men in the world is either a massive troll, or a massive manbaby who is willing to go to great lengths to lie to impress a bunch of strangers. Either one has great implications for the world. I’m done here though, I’m sure you’ll continue to go to great length to defend Elon, so this conversation is pointless. Have a good day. “lol”.


I am not defending Musk. I just don’t care that he plays online games.
You come in here bleating about his playing games as if that is some detriment. I see it as you are just bitter Musk excels at things he does. So what if Musk does some trolling? Who put you in charge of determining what he can and cannot do? So patronizing of you.

Of course we all know you could do it much better. The manbaby here isn’t Elon Musk. He’s isn’t trying to impress anyone.

Some people just need an idol to worship I think. Their brains turning off and their knees hitting the ground seems to give them an unrivaled joy.

For a while I thought you could combat this king-worship tendency with logic and exposing the truth, but sadly all of that stuff gets drowned out by the emotions derived from the kink.

To anyone that does even cursory research, it is quickly apparent that Musk – and any mortal for that matter – isn’t able to do all of these things over the course of 24-hour days. Staggering how his disciples consistently fall for his easily detectable lies and puffery.


That’s not the weirdness at all. Seriously, read the thread…


Musk and Trump surely have perfected catering to the demographic that lacks the (once more commonly found) ability to engage in second-order thinking.

The key point is not about Musk’s puffery regarding online games. It is about the implications derived from him acting in this kind of duplicitous way. Even small, seemingly insignificant things like this indicate some deep-seated narcissism from Musk. Some people cannot see this in him, and are more victims really, while others see it, and admire it.

The two of them have really built an impressive ecosystem of sheep (too naive or stupid to realize they are marks) and wolves (sycophantic understudies of these two that are grateful for an abundance of soft target supply lured into their ideological tent).


I dont use reddit, never read anything on there.

That’s the spirit! Why change that now? The sand, after all, is warm and safe. :relieved:

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Why should I use reddit? There is no reason for me to do so. I also do not have a tic toc account nor use instagram.

So just Forumosa and Fox News then? :wink:


Well, it’d give you yet another platform to wind people up on! :whistle:


You are right(or neo-“left”) again!

I would say apples to oranges but you are not even comparing fruits here.

Orange fever sure has myriad side-effects. Robbing the afflicted of their capability to conduct second-order thinking is a widely documented symptom, but perhaps an under-discussed manifestation of the disease is how it renders the sufferer more vulnerable to apophenia, delusions of grandeur, and narcissism. At least, it either activates these traits if dormant prior, or further exacerbates them. Bless their hearts, they wouldn’t even take a vaccine for this if it were to be developed. :sweat_smile:

You are mistaken in your assessment.

I don’t wind anyone up. They get all wound up by themselves.

Why does the left fear this so much? lol

They should see what Trump just did wrt Trump Inc accepting foreign money for their gold courses and hotels. lol

Don’t agree with Asmongold on a few things, but in this…100%.

Musk certainly full of shit about his gaming “expertise” :rofl:

Elon’s illusion of authenticity/expertise here is a perfect microcosm of his behavior in many facets of his life.


I mean he’s known for taking credit where it’s not due