Drill. Emergency alert - missiles!

The problem with drills for anything really. When the real thing eventually does occur, everyone is walking around, cool as a cucumber, “Eh, is this a drill?”.

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Or: Wait, why do those missiles have a red star on them?!?


To go where exactly :thinking::grin:?


Michelin star?

How confident are we that it doesn’t say “drill” for real warnings, though?


They don’t need to add “drill” in Chinese because the name of the exercise has the word drill in it.

萬安演習 basically means wan an drill.

No, it means Everlasting Peace Drill


It is ironic how some missiles are named Peacemaker.

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Cancel the cruise missile to penghu?

Wan an is the name of a certain KMT official in the old days…

Doesn’t the guy in that “we are about to close” song they used to play in department stores have “wan an” as a refrain?

That’d be sort of logical, though, so it can’t be right.

Oh wait…Wickipedia has " “Good Night Song” (晚安曲; Wǎn’ān Qǔ ), which was composed by the Taiwanese songwriter Liu Chia-chang. This song was chosen by China Television to end each day’s broadcast in 1979. It is dubbed as “打烊歌” (Closing Shop Song) which is played when shops and department stores are about to close for the day"

So “Missile Attack” and “Good Night” are the same in Chinese. Fair enough, I suppose

Ä Taiwanese ditch? Rather take my chances with the incoming


Yes. The name means everlasting peace.

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I hear there is a service in Taichung that can encase you in a specially shaped block of concrete that literally eliminates any chances of you getting killed from a Chinese attack.


And what will people do if it doesn’t work and get killed? Ask for a refund?


I did better than that.

I got personal advanced warning from the Security Forces, in the shape of a cop who came up to me in the 7-11 a couple of weeks ago and asked if he could take a picture with me.

He then held up some kind of poster and got the cute girl on the next socially distant table to photograph us both.

I’d have said he would have been better employed getting me to photograph him and the girl, but maybe bemused foreigners are better copy. I suppose they couldn’t get Leonardo DiCaprio.

He then gave me a free mask, so I assumed it was some Covid Crap propaganda, but the mask wrapper apparently refers to this exercise. Maybe its to protect against fallout or Sarin B.

So I assume I’m appearing Good Nightly at an air raid near you. Put That Light Out! Don’t you know there’s a war on?

Odd thing. No gun in his standard issue cop holster, perhaps so as not to provoke the PLA?

Taiwan is weird.


What does Makita mean?

Designated area, of course.

Say there is a quake or attack on a weekday. Going home might not be an option. You gotta setup a meeting place.

Then, you have to choose a place to shelter in case your building falls down/is on fire/ there are misiles falling downtown. That is when you need friends/ relatives in the mountains.

Above plan does not apply to typhoon conditions.

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How much for the mask? I am collecting them.