Emoticons Poll #1 (CLOSED; pls see poll #2)

Which emoticon would you most like added?

  • drum roll
  • pimp
  • acclaim
  • cake
  • I need coffee
  • hearts
  • popcorn
  • gratefuldead
  • girlfight
  • Alien 3 eyes
  • Alien

0 voters

At the suggestion of Malc and with Maoman’s blessing, I’m conducting a poll to see which new emoticons our users would like to see added to Forumosa. There will be a new poll every week for an undetermined number of weeks, and admins will add the top few vote-getters, at their discretion.

Although I have hundreds of candidates already in the bag, you are welcome to nominate your own favorites by uploading them via sites such as Imageshack and then pasting the direct link in the Feedback Forum Emoticons thread. If you’ve already pasted some there in the past, you do not need to re-submit them. I’ll try to work in all suggestions eventually, but will at first exclude those which are too large (we’re aiming for 16x16 pixels ideally, like this , although Forumosa does already have some up to around 35x35 MAX like this ). The height limit is the more important of the two, as overly tall emoticons screw up the line spacing of the text in posts. I’ll try to include a mix of useful and fun ones each time.

Each poll will run for 7 days. You can only vote for one emoticon each time, but don’t despair – some of the losers might be recycled later on.

Sorry, but the poll won’t let me put the pics in the choices, so I’ve named them; the pics are below. Please vote by name. EDIT: If you don’t like any of them and don’t want them added, feel free to respond by posting. In Week 2 and onward, I’ll include a “None of the above” option.

Finally, I’d suggest you vote for emoticons you think you’d use frequently, and which would be appealing to a broad user base. Now without further ado – drum roll please!

The candidates this week are:

  1. drum roll
  2. pimp
  3. acclaim
  4. cake
  5. I need coffee
  6. hearts
  7. popcorn
  8. gratefuldead
  9. girlfight
  10. Alien 3 eyes
  11. Alien

Where’s the “none of the above”?
(Only popcorn kept me from clicking that non-option.)

[quote=“Jaboney”]Where’s the “none of the above”?
(Only popcorn kept me from clicking that non-option.)[/quote]

Oh, sorry! Well, for this first poll, vote “none of the above” by posting a reply. I’ll add that as a last option on the future polls.

BTW, are you objecting to all the choices, or to the idea of adding more emoticons? Feel free to suggest some. I have some better (IMO) than half the above, but I didn’t want to put ALL the good ones in the first week… EDIT: Not only would you be unable to vote for more than one, but Malc has asked us to go slow on the additions (due to his time constraints uploading the new ones), so I’m trying to engineer the poll so that not more than 2-3 emoticons are likely to win each week.

Is “none of the above” the same as “don’t give a shit?”

Is there a smiley that implies that someone is smelly? Just wondering.


There seems to be a groundswell of anti :laughing: with vomit like reaction to these little blob things.

Maybe the projectile vomit emoticon.

I just don’t appreciate any of these choices, save for popcorn. Too busy, I guess.

How about these two?

Beer -

Tits -

I’ll try to resize this one later:

Again, folks, don’t worry if you didn’t see anything inspiring this week; I’ll keep putting new ones up, and just vote for any if you like them. “NO” votes are welcome too. :wink:

[quote=“Roach”]How about these two?

Beer -

Tits - [/quote]

Much too big. Sorry. :laughing:

I’ll try to resize this one later:

Again, folks, don’t worry if you didn’t see anything inspiring this week; I’ll keep putting new ones up, and just vote for any if you like them. “NO” votes are welcome too. :wink:

[quote=“Roach”]How about these two?

Beer -

Tits - [/quote]

Much too big. Sorry. :laughing:[/quote]

Mmmmm. 35 by 35 you say?


50x50 gif files are good for MSN :wink:

Well, ideally 16x16 actually… :raspberry:

Can we have a pedant emoticon please?

I’ll be sure to add some to the next few weeks’ polls for you, sure! Examples:

nerd bookworm


Is that what you mean? Which if any of those do you prefer? I like the first three, myself. But it’s not up to me… the users will decide! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Ironman”]There seems to be a groundswell of anti :laughing: with vomit like reaction to these little blob things.

Maybe the projectile vomit emoticon.[/quote]

Yeah, I already have projectile vomit on the list for one of the next polls, thanks! :laughing:

I’ll be sure to add some to the next few weeks’ polls for you, sure! Examples:

nerd bookworm


Is that what you mean? Which if any of those do you prefer? I like the first three, myself. But it’s not up to me… the users will decide! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Ironman”]There seems to be a groundswell of anti :laughing: with vomit like reaction to these little blob things.

Maybe the projectile vomit emoticon.[/quote]

Yeah, I already have projectile vomit on the list for one of the next polls, thanks! :laughing:[/quote]

Im not no expert nor nuffink, but i reckon they is taking the piss out of how serious you are. Can we have an ‘I’m taking the piss out of Dragonbones’ emoticon please?

Yes, :laughing: looks too much like a facial tic.

No problem, I have several of those. Here’s one:

Here’s another:

and here

Now, where’s that other one?..

Oh, here --my favorite!!!

Ok. Dead smelly fish, I like. It’s busy, but it’s got style.

Yeah, I really like it. There are a lot of good ones most folks have never seen, like that one. We could have used that one back when we had a flounder forum, no? :smiley: