Employment certificate for APRC application?

Can’t find this anywhere right now, but I’m sure I’ve seen it before.
I somehow had it in my head that the APRC application doesn’t require that you be employed, but rather that you show that you are employable, ie that you have actual job skills.
Mama says her read on it was that you have to be employed.

Does anyone know for sure??

I’m almost positive off the top of my head that you both have to have been employed for the majority of the five years you spend here on your ARC, and that you have to have been working full-time during of that time.

But I’m not absolutely sure. Get the pros in here. tando and/or simpsons alien mod probably have the answers.

to make it clear, this is about work based application?

Have you been in Taiwan for at least 183 days every year over the past 5 years?
Have you had an ARC for 5 consecutive years?
Are you officially making at least twice the yearly minimum income (paying taxed on it)?

If yes, then you should be good to go. If there’s a no, then start all over again.

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No, Auntie, for APRC.


Rocket calls me Auntie? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, I know it is on APRC. So, is it an application for APRC via work based ARC, or via marriage based ARC?

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@Rocket I know for sure that I had to provide an Employment contract for my APRC application , showing salary. They also need the last year ( previous) Tax filing .

Rocket reads Chinese, right?


二、 財產或特殊藝能證明:

  1. 國內之收入、納稅、動產或不動產資料。
  2. 親雇主開立之聘雇證明或申請人自行以書面敘明其工作內容及所得。
  3. 我國政府機關核發之專門職業及技術人員或技能檢定證明文件
  4. 其他足資證明足以自立或生活保障無虞之資料。


  1. 最近一年(指申請當年之前一年。如九十八年六月一日提出申請,則最近一年係從九十七年一月一日至九十七年十二月三十一日止)於國內平均每月收入逾行政院勞工委員工公告基本工資兩倍者。
  2. 國內之動產及不動產估價總值逾新臺幣五百萬元者。
  3. 我國政府機關核發之專門職業及技術人員或技能檢定證明文件
  4. 其他經內政部移民署認定者。

Don’t worry, Tando. :slight_smile:


Yeah, #3, and kind of #4, I guess, is what I was talking about.
Like you don’t have to be actively employed, as long as you can show that you’re employable.

What’s wrong with “Auntie”???

2 posts were split to a new topic: What’s wrong with “Auntie”?

For the work based APRC is it true that one must provide physical copies of previous ARCs?

I didn’t even know there was such a distinction??

ETA: I don’t see anything on the page indicating that there are two different types of APRC, how are they different??

Maybe it is time for this raccoon to do some research. And I’m NOT talking about rifling through trash cans. : P


there are several routes to get an APRC, and slight differences depending on how you get your APRC.

the required/accepted documents and conditions are slightly different.

If you apply APRC via work based ARC, you need an employment certificate.

(二)應聘:1. 工作核准函。
2. 一個月內之在職證明

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I see, thanks very much

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No, it’s nothing to do with employability but with having hold an ARC long enough.

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Well, no. Given they take your previous ARC away when you renew it, you don’t have your previous ARCs.

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Was already stated but to confirm
Immigration said you have two paths
If you are working you apply with the work permit and you get the professional aprc with the added benefit of being able to leave Taiwan for up to 5 yrs without letting them know.

If you aren’t working but meet the other requirements they will still give you an aprc but you need to be in Taiwan for 183 days a year I believe to keep it.

Either way you can get the aprc with the same requirements. Immigration gave me a sheet of requirements and said omitting the work permit was not a deal breaker. But then you still need to meet the salary or deposit requirements (financial)