I video taped an accident scene…and ranted about the EMTs. My video seems to offend some of the Taiwanese patriots that are watching it (mordeth offending people? who woulda thunk it?).
I enjoyed seing that dog taking a piss on that motorbike.
I wonder how this acidents ocour. Could it be that the Taiwanese bike riders manual tell you not to use the front brake where 95% off the braking power is?
If they trow away nedles too they should be put to trial for atempted murder since all blood should be considered to contain deadly desease until othervise is proven.
Who is going to take responsebilety if a HIV infected neadle make it into my sliper or infect a child playing by the street?
That was GREAT!!! Keep them coming! Maybe when you have enough you could make a mini-series, burn them to DVD and send them to someone in this place that might give a toss… or enter it into a local film fest.
[quote=“Mordeth”]I video taped an accident scene…and ranted about the EMTs. My video seems to offend some of the Taiwanese patriots that are watching it (mordeth offending people? who woulda thunk it?).
So do you guys think I’m being over critical of them…or what?[/quote]
Lets nominate MOrdeth 13 for Taiwans governor. HIP HIP HOORAY oR how bout Chief EMT?? Lets get the garbage off the roads and get together an accident clean up crew! Or how bout CHIEF OF MOTORCYCOLOGY TAIWAN REGION (nevermind there is no such word, its TAiwan we can invent some words )
send it to amcham. they collect this sort of stuff from expats and use it in their monthly (?) meetings with govt when they TRY to advise on things that need changing
also send it to the govt and tell them this is probably why they will never be WHO members
Good vid Mordeth…you said in your original post that some Taiwanese took offence to your vid…well, I’d love to hear how they think that the EMT had the right to leave the scene of an accident littered with all kinds of crap…!
Like someone mentioned, pass it over to the Amcham and see if it can be of any use to them!
Sadly, this doesnt surprise me one bit. I feel like I am becoming numb. We all see shit like this everyday…I used to be upset about it…I guess the sock and awe phase is over for me. Some day, maybe someday things will change, but to do that you will need to reeducate the entire population.
I spoke to some Taiwanese about all the blatant traffic violations I see everyday…said we could change by example and follow the laws…their response: its more dangerous to do things the legal way on the road than it is to do what everyone else is doing…Try and make that 90 degree turn in the middle of the intersection yielding to oncoming traffic, like you are suposed to, and you are likely to get plowed over by a bus, taxi, or a hundred other scooter drivers.
I actually have over 220 of them online…and probably hundreds more on my Hard drive…but I’ve been worried about posting them up here. I seem to have more “haters” on this forum than I do in any other. But I’m sure that’s my own fault.
I actually have over 220 of them online…and probably hundreds more on my Hard drive…but I’ve been worried about posting them up here. I seem to have more “haters” on this forum than I do in any other. But I’m sure that’s my own fault.
Anyway…thanks for the positive feedback guys.[/quote]
so if one searches youtube under __________all those vids will be there?
I was going to make a jokey post about someone will say you are anti-Taiwan and hate Taiwanese for saying those things. Seems someone beat me to it. And he meant it
It’s the “police” and other “emergency services” that don’t care if people live or die. Mordeth does, who is the insulting who ?
A link to the whole page, not just the video (if you know what I mean) would be nicer, then we can see the comments and your other videos.
I still think he looks like Darth Vader:
I actually have over 220 of them online…and probably hundreds more on my Hard drive…but I’ve been worried about posting them up here. I seem to have more “haters” on this forum than I do in any other. But I’m sure that’s my own fault.
Anyway…thanks for the positive feedback guys.[/quote]
Well pm me the link to the stuff online. I would love to see them.
Funny thing is the Taiwanese ranting on about how Mordeth “hates” taiwan for posting such stuff. Evidently this is a person safe in the confines of the Western world, because they haven’t read the Apple Daily.
For months I’ve avoided putting a direct link to all my videos on forumosa…and some of the members on here agreed with me that I shouldn’t put one up. But since you are all being so nice…I guess I will.
Let me first say that YouTube is a pretty large part of my life right now…as sad as that is. Mainly because my videos are popular and I have “fans” from all over the world. Here is what 167 of them say about me: youtube.com/profile_comment_ … h13&page=3
I even have other people making vids…about my vids:
And I get hundreds more sent to my YouTube mail box. So all in all it’s a pretty positive experience…I’m not trying to brag now (honestly) I’m just hoping that forumosans won’t try and ruin this for me. Having said that…here is a link with my vids sorted by rating…so the ones that most people seem to like the most…should be near the top: youtube.com/results?search_t … category=0
If you’d rather watch by date added…you can change that on the left side. Or at anytime you can click on my name beside one of the vids to see my profile.
Thanks for taking an interest.
P.S. : mods leave this in this thread…and leave the topic title alone…I still don’t want to advertise my vids…but the people in this thread as is…seem nice enough.
You’re quite right Mordeth. You really can be an arsehole on here at times. So what? But your vids are consistently either good or funny or both, and you’re getting pretty fucking good at making them, too. It’s amazing, in fact, how much more polished your commentaries are compared to the earlier stuff.
I still get nauseous when you turn your head while filming, though!
[quote=“sandman”]You’re quite right Mordeth. You really can be an arsehole on here at times. So what? But your vids are consistently either good or funny or both, and you’re getting pretty fucking good at making them, too. It’s amazing, in fact, how much more polished your commentaries are compared to the earlier stuff.
I still get nauseous when you turn your head while filming, though!
Great stuff![/quote]
I echo the bunnyman on this. I very much doubt you have anything to fear posting your fine acheivements on here. Disasters either.
Seriously, I don’t think anyone that saw any of what you do could wish ill of you.
[quote]Let me first say that YouTube is a pretty large part of my life right now…as sad as that is. Mainly because my videos are popular and I have “fans” from all over the world. Here is what 167 of them say about me: youtube.com/profile_comment_ … h13&page=3
Clicked on the link, with no luck.
Is it cuz I’m in The Happy Democratic Land of Mainland China?
Will enter 'Mordeth" on youtube, and see how far I get…
[quote=“Baas Babelaas”][quote]Let me first say that YouTube is a pretty large part of my life right now…as sad as that is. Mainly because my videos are popular and I have “fans” from all over the world. Here is what 167 of them say about me: youtube.com/profile_comment_ … h13&page=3
Clicked on the link, with no luck.
Is it cuz I’m in The Happy Democratic Land of Mainland China?
Will enter 'Mordeth" on youtube, and see how far I get…[/quote]