End of aging is near/ new drug for kids with aging disorder

i totally support dr. aubrey de grey and the M prize (mprize.org) in the quest to end aging in our lifetime. it is do-able. the basic theory is that the same part of the cell that is involved in cancer is also that which is involved in aging. a new drug is being tested for children with progeria, a disorder which makes them age 90 physically by the time they’re in their teens, if they live that long.
this is great news for these children and all of us.


But bad news for Buddhists, with the first noble truth being overthrown by science and all.

[quote=“ran the man”]i totally support dr. aubrey de grey and the M prize (mprize.org) in the quest to end aging in our lifetime. it is do-able. the basic theory is that the same part of the cell that is involved in cancer is also that which is involved in aging. a new drug is being tested for children with progeria, a disorder which makes them age 90 physically by the time they’re in their teens, if they live that long.
this is great news for these children and all of us.


So there may be no end to your suffering, Ran?