English/ French teacher position for a short term?

Hi everybody!
I shall be coming in Taipei for 2 months by the end of march. I am looking for schools where I shall be able to work for a short term. Has anybody some tips??
Thanks in advance for ur help!

Legally? C’est pas possible pour enseigner dans les ecoles. The best you could get is tutoring (which is illegal), but in order to procure that, you more or less need a bit of time to set up a network of people to recommend you and become well acquainted enough with the city to get around and with the culture to get an idea of what students want to and are able to learn. Plus, unless you are even able to set this up within two months (not likely), you will get maybe a month tops of actual tutoring. Short term at its shortest is three months and that’s during the summer when schools have summer camps. Two months doesn’t even register on the ESL radar of practicality.

Just enjoy your vacation time here.

100% wrong (your grammar)! :laughing: just kidding! not too bad!

French speakers from any french-speaking country are allowed to legally teach french in taiwan. Requirements are the same as for english speaking teachers: degree, certified employer… Basically you just have to find a school that has a certificate to teach french and can provide an ARC based on this. It’s exactly the same as for any English teachers, just not so many jobs :laughing: If you get an ARC and then when you leave after two months, you’ll be in big troubles! :fume: Stay longer!

Thanks you all for your answers!!!
Actually I am coming in order to prospect and see if I like the country. I wish to be in the real condition over there and therefore stay longer, but unfortunately I rent a flat in Paris and as I didn’t find anybody yet to sublet my room (want friend’s friend as all my stuff are still in there) and not being “overwhelmed” :frowning: by moneyI can’t really stay longer in Taipei!!!
Mind you, 2 months seems long enough for me, knowing I don’t have a clue abt the culture at all, neither the country. It sounds like a great adventure!
If I :heart: Taipei, I plan to move in January 2007!
I made lots of searches in France and on Internet as there is hardly any information over here & I just couldn’t find any adresses of schools teaching French!
There’s why I posted!

Hope to get some more comments. It’s always useful to have the real impression from people living there rather than information from books!

Great forum…enjoy :laughing: and hope to hear from you soon!

What do you mean by this??

Une ARC est valable un an. Donc tout contrat avec une ecole ou une compagnie est d’une duree d’un an. si tu pars au bout de deux mois, tu risques d’avoir beaucoup d’ennuis. si l’ecole sait que tu part, ils vont essayer de te taxer du fric et te faire des miseres. si tu pars sans les prevenir, ils feront en sorte que tu ne puisses jamais revenir a Taiwan.

Un conseil perso, je ne pense pas que ce soit le bon moment pour venir ici, le marche est sature, il y a tres tres peu de jobs. L’offre excedant la demande, les salaires (bases a l’heure) baissent. D’autre part, le cout de la vie a beaucoup augmente. Bref, en gros, Taiwan n’est plus le “bon plan” sauf si tu viens ici pour apprendre le chinois mais je pense que la Chine est largement mieux a ce niveau-la.

Si tu as une certificat d’enseigner, tu pourrais travailler pour TES (l’ecole european? de Taiwan). Je pense que les ecoles d’Hess aussi avaient les positions pour enseigner francais. Je ne pense pas que tu pouvais utiliser ta langue maternale…je pense seulement d’enseigner anglais.

My bad.

En tout cas, bonne chance.

kesako en francais?

tout diplome equivalent a une license (3 ans) est suffisant pour obtenir un certificat du ministere de l’education. un francophone peut ainsi enseigner le francais legalement et obtenir une ARC, de meme qu’un anglophone ou un germanophone seront abilites a enseigner l’anglais ou l’allemand (respectivement). il n’y a aucune difference, les documents requis sont les memes. les avantages legaux ou autres egalement.

hess is a fraud (which bushiban isnt a fraud nowadays?) and hires only french teachers already working legally with an ARC provided by another school. it is actually a kind of “requirement” to work for them; they cover their back while leaving their teachers’ legal situation in jeopardy.

there are actually other schools that have “certificates” to legally hire french teachers (french native speakers to be more precise); one just has to look a bit harder and have a real good degree, several years experience abroad and a pretty solid chinese… just a hint, these schools usually teach british english and other european languages. they hire exclusively professional teachers.

the TES usually hires teachers already working under a contract with the ministry of education in their home country. imho it is the only school where i was able to meet real teachers in taiwan. how sad is that! :wink:

bonne chance carrot! :bravo:

Um, if you read a little better, you might have noticed that I said “certificat” and not “diplome”. Taipei French School is an option if he or she is a certified teacher. Professional has nothing to do with legal requirements. There are many “professional” teachers who don’t even have university degrees, however, a certified teacher has more doors opened to them.

Instead of giving “hints,” why don’t you try giving advice, 5566? You pretend to know something. Do you really?

Really sad considering that the only two teachers who have ever been “involuntarily let go” from my school were almost immediately hired by TES (one had been accused of hitting a student and one was lazy and apathetic toward her students allowing them to fist fight with each other while she shrugged her shoulders helplessly). Not saying that that’s an indication of their overall staff, just that I’ve worked with a lot more real teachers than those two losers and that there are lots more real teachers out there. Just stop hanging out in pubs trying to find them.

sorry but what you tried to write in french can have a different meaning. after reading several times, i think i know what you mean. bravo pour ton francais quand meme! tu voulais dire c.a.p.e.s.?
what you write is confusing because (among other things) carrot could have a “certificat” but no contract with the ministry of education (private schools are very rare in france); it would be like not being allowed to work as a certified teacher at all (c.f. the taipei french school is associated to the french gov.).
by professional, i meant “certified” since this is the way they see things in france… certified or professional is basically the same there. my bad!

in a real school where they are used to teach (if they are certified), they probably find their way. or they might suck big time as teachers as you say… i have seen teachers with 20 years experience running away screaming from some so-called schools (i mean bushibans). being a “teacher” in a bushiban has nothing to do with being a teacher in a normal school abroad (not in tw), some experienced teachers simply dont make it past the 4th week. those who leanr how to teach here are more “resistant” :notworthy:

anyways, i am lucky not to be working as a teacher anymore :rainbow:

if they’re british, they’d still be easy to find… in pubs, of course :wink: after seeing their rugby team raped by the french yesterday, they’ll need to drink! just kidding, no offense!

eh, calmos! considering that schools teaching british english and other european languages are pretty scarse, that makes them easy to find, don’t you think? also, i already given a couple of advices and my opinion in french but you might not necessarly be able to understand, my bad, this is an english speaking forum after all. i know carrot will pm me if he needs anything…

Nice guys for all your comments :slight_smile:

Actually the situation can be very different from one country to another. In France, in order to teach a language in a public school (lyc

honetement, si tu viens ici pour 2 mois, tu n’as pratiquement aucune chance de trouver du taff. tu sauras par contre a quoi t’attendre si tu reviens pour plus longtemps.
si tu restes environ 6 mois a un an, tu auras plus d’opportunites mais ca sera quand meme tres tres balaise et probablement illegal. il est interessant de lire que tu as un diplome anglais. tu pourrais avoir une carte verte basee sur cela puisqu’en effet la regle exacte est soit etre anglophone soit avoir un diplome d’un pays anglophone.

l’autre gus va encore poster des trucs zarbis auxquels on ne comprend rien. laisse beton. j’habite dans la region depuis tres longtemps. si tu as des questions, n’hesite pas a me demander…

ps: [quote]My flatmate, who is bolivian and has the CELTA, had no problem finding private schools offering him jobs. If you don’t have this certificate, I don’t know what’s the requirements.[/quote]

pour les jobs de profs d’anglais, ils se foutent totalement de ton diplome. tu pourrais avoir une maitrise en zoologie et etre specialise dans la reproduction des orques en eaux froides mais avoir un passeport de ricain. ca ferait de toi un prof d’anglais a taiwan.
en tant que prof certifie avec plusieurs annees d’experience a l’etranger (a la fois en europe et en Asie), je trouve ca vraiment alarmant. pas etonnant que le niveau d’anglais ici n’est pas tellement mieux qu’au japon… meme symptomes… :unamused: