English Teaching Jobs - Really native speakers only?

As we all know, there are tons of English teaching positions in Taiwan.
I do now there are similar topics to this question, but the newest one is almost 8 years old. Maybe things changed. However:

  • Most of those English teaching jobs require you to be a native speaker / passport holder of a country with English as official national language
  • Some of them require teaching experiences and/or certificates, but not necessarily.

…but from hearsay / 聽說:

  • There are English teachers out there without being native speakers.
  • Chinese / Taiwanese / Asian people rather have a difficult time to get English teaching jobs in Taiwan. You better look western / white - Is that still a big point?

I have checked the websites for a while, and I did not found one job description without the requirement of being a native English speaker. So I kinda wonder how that works / how non native speaker find their English teach jobs.

19 posts were merged into an existing topic: Teaching English as a non-native speaker