Ethereum : possible to get 2-5 times your investment in 2018

I’m pretty sure Satoshi wrote that Bitcoin was to be a means of electronic payment. In that regard it’s been very poor and it can only handle 7 tps and four mining pools control most of the nodes.

This is not to criticise the genius inventors., but it’s completely normal that blockchain has evolved far better alternatives in the last ten years.

When it started it was all about anarchy screw the banks screw the system take back control, even the poor farmer in Africa can make fast free transactions etc…it was never intended to be a boring replacement of gold as a ‘store of value’. Bitcoin has failed in this regard

“Once we eliminate the subversive elements of cryptocurriencies through proper regulation then I think we’ll have something there.”
— The Man

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Exactly what the Senate commission thinks.

Yes I actually watches most of it live, so did many if you looked at the market response .

Pretty decent bounce looks like we might have something here

That’s enough foreplay panicsell…WHAT is Bitcoin all about and WHY was it created??

Picked up a few lite coins on the cheap

“screw the banks screw the system take back control”

that’s the store of value argument, and why “bailout”/loss of value is written on the genesis block.

and from satoshi himself:

satoshi on scaling./“lightning”

that’s because btc has been under heavy attack until the past few days, and has repeatedly come out on top. no other crypto has been tested in such a manner. still champ.

and “payment” isn’t what made it popular to begin with.


You’ve not convinced me of the WHAT and WHY of Bitcoin.
Decentralized… no not really, it’s controlled by mining clusters and whales
Fair…not really, it’s easily manipulated
Store of value but at the same time lighting fast micropayments for the whole world (including the 3rd world)…no evidence that either is the case with Bitcoin now or in the future
Practical, real mitigation to loss of value…energy required to mine the remaining bitcoins is not realistic, a terrible waste of energy
You talk about what made it popular to begin with…that’s an easy one! It was and is still a get rich quick scheme. You don’t buy a nothing at 10,000US$ unless you think it’s going to 15,000US$ who cares about all the so called attributes and uses

Does anyone know the rate Crypto profits are taxed since we live in Taiwan?

Replying to myself seems a tad egotistical …Anyway…Great minds think alike and all that.

I checked the radarapps and state of the apps on Ethereum.
It does remind me of Netscape back in the day. In fact worse cos you have to install metamask and the only way I could figure out to access dapps from Android was through status beta app (and that’s after a lot of searching for a solution ).
Usability is still very poor on mobile.

Question :
What are the biggest dApps in terms of Ethereum usage, any guesses (pls don’t cheat and look it up yet :smile:)?

I have some juicy ideas to make money on Ethereum dApps, any developers out there ? I’m thinking big here.

I googled but didn’t find much. What is the top dApp?


Massive drop in equities overnight. Crypto markets up however. I guess your theory just blew up

Fuck me I’m so lazy I didn’t sell the portion of stocks I wanted to offload.

I’m down a mill NT painful

Forming a breakout here if BTC breaks through 10,000

Yeah my oyster pearl PRL is up 65%.
Only problem is I just have 300 bucks left in PRL and it’s down about 60% from when I bought it lol.
ACT up 25%. Those things have been sitting in red forever.

PRL now up 90% me smells pump and dump again (turns out they have their testnet running on IOTA and an airdrop of a new coin called SHL for PRL holders)

Binance came back online, I had half my funds in there but I wasn’t too worried as it’s a well run exchange that communicated through the downtime.

Meanwhile I hadn’t noticed bitgrail exchange had collapsed ! NANO bitgrail scandal rumbles on. Bad for the NANO holders but probably a good time to trade into some NANO as the price remains depressed.
The owner of bitgrail , ‘thebomber’, one of the only NANO (XRB) exchanges decided he would block all transfers out suddenly supposedly due to KYC regulations crashing the price. Actually there are at least 10 million nano coins missing.

If it drops below 8k again on BTC, as your financial crypto advisor I advise you to SELL SELL SELL!